If you are an active smoker with the experience, it will undoubtedly affect the metabolism, increasing it briefly after each puff. As a result, calories burned intensely. When a person stops smoking, metabolism returns to normal for him on track. In addition, nicotine has diuretic properties and if its reception stop, the water content of the body increases, which can "show" extra pounds on the scale.
However, if you try to quit correctly, no major problems with being overweight simply should not occur.
First of all, limit yourself to a high-calorie foods, especially sweet and fatty foods. Once a person quits smoking, he has a strong desire to be filled with something formed smoke-free time. Even without feeling hungry person starts to consume a lot of unnecessary food.
In any case, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, make changes in your daily diet. The body starts to get used to function without the usual dose of nicotine and it is already necessary to expend less energy. Not to recover, you need to reduce by a quarter the number of calories consumed. Should become a habit that you need to eat breakfast within an hour of lifting and dinner - an hour before bedtime.
Quit smoking, while maintaining a good figure and better - is quite real. If you have decided to quit the habit, review your lifestyle as a whole. Pay careful attention to regular exercise. Physical activity can not only beneficial effect on the body, but also help to cope with the psychological need to smoke, especially at first.
You should know that in the first days without nicotine in the body amazing things happen: forty times reduced the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, breath, skin and hair are no longer smell of tobacco, improves the taste and smell sensitivity, it becomes easier to breathe.