First of all, decide what you want to unlearn drink. What are the problems you are experiencing what often drink alcoholic beverages. As the habit of drinking bothers you in life and how affects the health and relationships with family, friends and colleagues. It is best to register all on paper. You can always look at your notes when there is a wish to deceive themselves and to roll nip.
Say no to friends
Try to minimize meetings with people in the company that you usually consume alcohol. Not necessarily immediately break all kinship and friendship ties. But a month and a half better protect themselves from the usual company. Why this time? Psychologists say, in order to develop a consistent habit, a person needs an average of not less than 40 days. A purchasing habits comfortable with the habits and be able to have fun sober may take more time.
Find new hobbies
Once you lose the familiar company and protect yourself from situations where the use of alcohol is the norm, you have a lot of free time available. Remember, what you like to do all my life, but that never got around. Join the club of martial arts, start to learn foreign languages, entered the Society of extreme travelers. Apart from the fact that you just have no time to think about drinking, you still meet new and interesting people. Enthusiastic people, as a rule, there is no time to waste time on empty pastime with a bottle of drink laughing.
Do not be ashamed to ask for help
If you realize that you can not quickly and easily unlearn drink, ask for help. You can join the club of Alcoholics Anonymous or go to a therapist. If you have a friend or a native person, whom you trust, do not be afraid to admit your weakness. With the support of caring people to win yourself a lot easier.