First of all, stand on the scales. How much of your body weight exceeds the norm? Each kilogram of excess weight very negative effect on the whole body, and the individual systems and organs. Make for yourself a diet of healthy food. It should include a maximum of fruits and vegetables and a minimum of meat, fatty, fried, smoked and salted foods. Choose roasting or steaming - as the main way of heat treatment products.
Give up bad habits: smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, will not add you to health. Do not eat all kinds of chips, Kirieshki, semi-finished products - everything is poison for your body. As, however, and a variety of sodas that contain a lot of harmful additives.
Remember: the simpler the food - so it is healthier. Replace the bread made of wheat flour to bread made from rye varieties. Do not forget about those healthy foods, such as: fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey. Rightful place in the diet and take a sour-milk products, as they enrich the intestinal microflora beneficial microorganisms, strengthen the immune system.
Clean your bowels, as it accumulates various toxins, poisons the body. This can be done in various ways, preferably using plant components.
Begin to engage every morning exercise, for 15-20 minutes. Purchase a subscription to the pool or the fitness center, make walking two to three kilometer walk or run at least every other day.
Tidy your emotional state. If you are gnawing depression, try to get rid of it, often spending time in the sun or tanning in the tanning bed, communicating with interesting people and doing exciting things (get a hobby). You can also use the recipes of traditional medicine: drink infusions of herbal teas - mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort; are like a course of massage or other health-restoring procedure.
Do not focus on some diseases, setting yourself up for health, follow all of the advice and very soon "will progress to the face."