How to improve the health status of

How to improve the health status of
 Healthy lifestyle theme never cease to be relevant, because it affects the length and quality of life. But information about the dangers and benefits of any treatment and diet so much, and sometimes it is contradictory that one can get confused and do nothing. There are some general guidelines that do not harm, only benefit your health.
 Affects human health in varying degrees by several factors: the health care system in the place of residence - 10%, the environmental situation - 20%, genetic inheritance - 20%, way of life - 50%. This means that you are responsible for your condition! Therefore themselves are able to change and improve their health.

A lot depends on the quality of the products that you eat. Leaning on fast food, you neglect your home kitchen, not to waste time on cooking. But in the semis very little vitamins and mineral nutrients. Indeed, in sausages and dumplings from the store is almost no meat. Often these products contain bone meal, soy, skin and connective tissue, which you would not have if you saw them in kind. Another sign of fast food - large amounts of salt, and it harms your cardiovascular system.

Refined products do not contain nothing but empty calories. Therefore, choose carefully what you buy. Do not forget about dietary fiber, their absence would lead to obesity, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and a whole bunch of other diseases. To improve their health, include in your diet the following products: products made of wheat flour, bread, lean meat, chicken, fish, milk products, eggs (no more than three per week), beans, bitter chocolate, nuts, vegetable oils (unrefined), vegetables, fruits, green tea, natural juices.

Cook food for a couple or bake at a different form of heat treatment most of the beneficial agent is lost. Use purified tap water, since due to its bad environment quality is low. Even household filter jug ​​significantly cleans water from harmful substances.

Do not ignore exercise and walking outdoors. They have a positive impact on your health. Walk 1-2 stops before and after the work on foot, in the evening take a walk in the park, choose for yourself any kind of sport. Find out what you can do at your nearest gym. Swimming, running, boxing, volleyball, bowling - the choice is huge. Organize a group of friends that you support each other in an effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

 Finally, to completely eliminate from your life, nicotine, alcohol and drugs!

Tags: image, health condition, life