Perhaps the "Hollywood" smile can be considered the standard of beauty - smooth, white, well-groomed,healthy teeth. Celebrities happy to show off their pearly teeth around the world. But we all know that not all of them are given teeth by nature - to maintain the health and beauty of teeth spent a lot of money. But the standard stellar can approach many, because proper care is essential. Dental care is necessary since childhood, but even adults ask themselves if the goal can be beautiful andhealthy teeth.
Any woman, it is important to always be attractive, but because the beauty is directly related to health. What you need to do to keephealthy teeth? What care is needed teeth? That spoils our teeth? These and other questions will be answered magazine JustLady.
Most of us are talking about the perpetrators of the poor condition of the teeth, immediately think of sugar and sweets. However, this is not entirely true, because not only are these foods spoil our teeth. In fact, very weaken tooth enamel products with high acidity. It can be fruit juices, soft drinks and even candy sour. Result on the face, more accurately, on the teeth - enamel erosion and, consequently, its destruction. Therefore, if you want to keep healthy teeth, minimize injure their products with high acidity. Women's magazine JustLady Please note that too acidic, viscous, sticky and sugary foods are also harmful to the teeth. So, it turns out you need to completely abandon the products with acid? Not at all. Doctors recommend eating such foods during a meal, because it's the influence of acid on the teeth is minimized.
Remember: white andhealthy teeth begin with a properly chosen toothbrush. If your teeth and gums do not bother you, then choose a stiff brush, but for sensitive teeth and gums of patients is better to buy a soft brush (ie, with a soft bristle brush). Try to choose a brush with a long curved handle - this brush is most effective for the removal of plaque from hard to reach places. Considered the best toothbrushes from natural raw materials. Also, dentists advise to change the brush every three months.
Proper cleaning will also help you savehealthy teeth. First of all, the magazine JustLady advice: do not rush when brushing your teeth! Brushing your teeth is necessary according to certain rules. Lightly pressing the brush thoroughly, but gently start to clean teeth with gums. Ideally, cleaning should take three minutes - no more, because it will only lead to injury enamel and gums. Remember: a toothbrush, no matter how good it is, remove no more than 60% of the plaque. In order to completely remove plaque and use the toothbrush, and dental floss. So, if you use dental floss right before brushing, the toothpaste will be easier to cope with the task.
As you can see, nothing complicated in the cleaning process is not: you're sure to get a clean andhealthy teethIf you obey all the rules. Good idea to buy and whitening toothpaste, which effectively removes plaque and support the whiteness of teeth. Journal JustLady recommends selecting paste to pay attention to the content in its composition of hydrogen peroxide: the rate of 0, 1% more content - is unacceptable. Use a whitening toothpaste no more than twice a week. Important: dentists prohibit the use of toothpaste with whitening effect for children, adolescents, pregnant women, and people with inflammation of the gums, teeth bared roots, with a thin sensitive enamel.
If you care about that you were beautiful, white andhealthy teeth, Then pay close attention to oral hygiene. After all, dentists knowingly warn us that the main cause of tooth decay - this is inadequate cleaning of the teeth. A plaque, which we did not clean off, destroys enamel. JustLady draws your attention to something that is very important to visit the dentist regularly - if you do not disturb your teeth and gums, then visit the doctor at least once every six months. Professional teeth cleaning not only removes all the plaque, but also reduces the risk of gum disease by 80%. And this is a huge step on the way to a perfect smile!
Women's magazine JustLady, completing today's conversation, draws attention to the factor of deterioration of the teeth as sharp change of temperature. It is very traumatic for the enamel. Therefore, lovers of hot drinks should be cautioned: for teeth much better warm tea than hot. Also need to be careful and those who like cold drinks, especially with ice. It is natural that in the summer heat, we all want something refreshing and cold, but it only leads to the destruction of enamel. Therefore, women's magazine JustLady advises you to be careful, and a drink only room temperature, preferably - non-carbonated.
As can be seen, to monitor the condition of their teeth is not difficult. If you perform these simple rules, you will be able to save the white, clean,healthy teeth for years to come!
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady