Sexual longevity: Truths and Myths

Sexual longevity: Truths and Myths
 With age, sexual activity in men is declining, which can not disturb the women. There are plenty of myths about sexual longevity, which rarely correspond to reality. In fact, men may be capable of fertilization even after seventy years.

Psychologists believe that to 45 years in men reach a very important milestone, as in psychological and physiological terms. At this age, a man has a certain status in society, and now it is only necessary to support it. Meanwhile, men are afraid of themselves rubezhaa because they do not know whether they will remain the same in bed.

Today there are so many misconceptions about sexual longevity men. Misconception number one reads: "A man of 40 years, which gives all his strength work will not be able to have sex for a long time." Sexologists claim that men with high social status, in contrast, are sexual longevity. In this situation, impotence occurs immediately after the transfer of all cases in the other hand.

Mistaken those men who believe that stimulate activity in the bed will help frequent change of sexual partners. In fact, things are not quite so new relationships are stressful for men, because now for novelty, which so aroused in his youth, mixed with fear of failure.

Another myth is related to the fact that the alleged size of the male genitalia can affect the length of his sex life. For sexual activity in the first place, it is important debugged work of the hormonal system, and not the size of genitals.

In no case can not be trusted to myth, which states: sex life can be extended by using hormones. Indeed, the hormones used in the treatment of impotence, but only after a thorough examination under expert supervision.

Misconception number five: impotence occurs only after forty. In reality, genital dysfunction may occur in twenty years. Impotence can be situational (usually happens after the failure of a partner) and organic (may be due to hormonal failure in the male).

Finally, the most important myth of sexual longevity: if a man impotence, he will not be able to have sex. Impotence is treatable, with which you can extend the sexual life of a couple of decades. In recent years, many men resort to falloprotezirovanie that can skillfully hide from his partner and with which you can convince her of his minimum of sexual activity.

Tags: men, relationships, sex, woman, however, impotence, myth, longevity