The aging process is completely natural. However, with the right attitude towards their health can be put off for many years to old age and maintain good physical and mental shape. But it does take a lot to try, because it sometimes requires a change of lifestyle, existing habits and other aspects, not conducive to health. But where do you start? But a certain sequence does exist.
Saturation of the body fluid
For normal physiological processes of the body need water. Daily demand for it is at least 1, 5 liters. In this volume does not include tea, coffee and other beverages. If the habit of drinking plain water is lost as a child, it is necessary to renew it. The skin is like a fruit - juice is poured up until gets moisture. Without water it will not save even the most expensive and high-quality cream.
Cleansing the body
To preserve the beauty and youth is important to regularly deliver the cells, tissues and organs of accumulated toxins. With this task an excellent job targeted methods of purification of all body systems, as well as regular exercise and a steam bath. They activate the excretory function of the skin and pores through its output all unnecessary.
Healthy Eating
Balanced and varied diet, with a predominance of plant food in it, without heat treatment helps to make the body a variety of nutrients and maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, from the activity of which depends on the skin and complexion. Since the products do not always provide a sufficient amount of organic compounds and microelements should take additional dietary supplements and vitamins. Are particularly useful for skin vitamins E, A, C, B, and zinc, sulfur, iron and calcium.
Increased immunity
This is possible due to the maintenance of drinking and eating regime, exercise, hardening, moderate sun exposure, outdoor exercise, sleep and full of positive emotions.
Elimination of chronic infectious processes
Toxins produced by, for example, S. aureus can cause the destruction of hyaluronic acid - the main substance of the connective tissue of the skin.
Increase in locomotor activity
Without traffic to keep the figure, beauty and youth will not succeed even with sufficient supply of nutrients and good skin care. In addition to the morning warm-up, should be dealt with more vigorous sports activities that will help improve blood circulation and lymph flow.
Saving emotional balance
It is difficult to maintain the beauty, if the nerves on edge all the time, sleep has long been a superficial and inferior, and positive emotions overwhelmed by the mass of negativity coming from the work of the street, TV, neighbors. To strengthen the nervous system is useful enough sleep, warm up in the morning, pour or sponge oneself down with cold water, eat right, to communicate with interesting and positive
And of course, do not forget about the outside care. Facials, hair, hand basins, regular massage and other pleasant procedures allow the skin to stay young and feel like a real woman.