Water treatments per day

 Depending on different situations, and the effect you expect from taking a shower or bath, you can give a few simple tips for every day.  

The effect of awakening and vigor give you douche. The use of a contrast shower is known to all: it makes the skin more supple and elastic, is an excellent prevention of colds, promotes weight loss, increases metabolism. He just needs to those who suffer sudden changes in pressure as superbly coached by vessels, their walls become more elastic.

However douche is not recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system during the critical days.

How to do it correctly? It's very simple. Start with temperatures: warm water - 38 ° C, cold - 28 ° C to the contrast between them was small. Duration: warm water - 1, 5 minutes, cool - 0, 5 minutes. Need to alternate them 4-5 times. Gradually warm water temperature to be increased, and cold - reduced. About the fourth time taking a shower balance temperatures should be: warm water - 40 ° C, cold - 20 ° C. On average, the procedure should take about 10-12 minutes: warm water - 3 minutes, cold - 1 minute and again.

When making a contrast shower in the morning it is better to finish with cold water to maintain a sense of vivacity for the whole day. Evening wiser to complete the procedure with warm water and no later than one hour before bedtime.

There is another way, which gives the same effect as a douche. If after a hard day's work no strength left, and friend dragged to the gym, the effect of "second wind" will give you the following procedure. Not taking a shower, you need to spend 5-8 minutes in the sauna, and then take a cold shower. This is a very simple, yet effective way.

A hot bath will help relieve your headache. This is an old recipe of our grandmothers. You dial the maximum hot bath as you can tolerate. Stand up in it, and the water should not be above the knees. You can also drop into the water up to their elbows. This position must hold for 5-8 minutes. Many migraines are caused by blood flow, increasing the pressure. Due to such a bath blood rushes to his arms and legs, stops pulsating in my head and the pain goes away. The same procedure is perfect passes at the first sign of a cold.

For sprains or exceeding the load in the gym, many professional athletes practice should be a way to relieve tension and pain in the muscles. To score half bath pleasant, comfortable temperature, go into it. And the rest of the stuff not strong jet of hot water. Eventually, the water temperature should be as high as possible. To hold such a bath can be less than 10 minutes. The effect is achieved due to the fact that you do not feel the discomfort of hot water heating which occurs gradually. This method allows for maximum relaxation.

It's worth noting that the hot tub is not recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A welcome addition after a bath can be a warm shower.

Relieve stress can take a shower if the following original way. When the head is a "circle" of communication, I want to silence and solitude, it is necessary to stand under a jet shower, send it right on the head, so that not to hear nothing but the noise of water. 3 minutes and you restored!

Rubbing the shower using terry mittens or brushes increase blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, remove dead cells, the skin becomes smooth and soft, longer retains its youth and elasticity. Here are a few tips on how to make things right. Hands and feet rubbed toward the heart. First, in a straight line from the bottom up rubbing his legs, from the tips of the fingers; then - hands. Waist and rubbed his back, moving from the bottom up along the spine.

Then - belly in a circular motion clockwise. Then - the area above the breast in a circular motion from the center to the shoulders.

And finally ... The beneficial effects of aromatherapy can be used not only in the shower. Pick the desired perfume fragrance Perfume objects around him - a pillow, towels, linen and other things, hang and arrange sachet scented candles around the bed, in the bathroom, near her beloved sofa that you love reading your favorite book.

Tags: procedure