Soothing herbs for baths

Soothing herbs for baths
 Modern pace of life is often the cause of chronic fatigue, stress, insomnia. A great way to relax or rejuvenate and give the skin elasticity and keep youth are herbal baths.
 Bath with a decoction of horsetail helps to tone the skin, giving it elasticity. Its good to take during the diet. It will help prevent sagging skin. In addition, a bath with horsetail has a calming effect and promotes better sleep.

Horsetail use in the treatment of neuroses. To take a bath at 50 g horsetail, hops and Cudweed, add 200 g of pine needles (preferably pine) and 5 tablespoons of dried leaves of hawthorn. Brew herbal mixture boiling water (7 cups) and simmer 10 minutes.

 Insomnia help baths with valerian root, mint, marjoram, motherwort, pine baths. Good and last for strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous system. For their preparation take the pine branches and cones, boil them for 30 minutes and leave for at least twelve hours. The resulting pine extract is used for receiving baths.

Suitable infusions and plants such as chamomile, arnica, lavender, rosemary, lime, elder, raspberry, sage, strawberries.

Selected herbs take in equal parts, or choose the fragrance that you like best. At full bath needs at least five glasses of dried herbs. Pour the mixture with boiling water and steep, covered at least an hour. Infusion pour into the tub. The water temperature should not be too hot - a maximum of 38C. Take a bath no more than 15-20 minutes. A longer stay in the hot water has a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

Soothing bath with herbs not only save you from insomnia, chronic fatigue, relieve stress. They also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and the overall condition of the body. Taking a bath, you soak the skin pores of the active ingredients and herbal extracts, and inhale the fragrant herbal smell. At the same time affects the body and soothing warm water, and a pleasant aroma, and contained in herbal sedatives.

Tags: bath, herb, relaxation