Glinoterapiya works wonders

Glinoterapiya works wonders
 Glinoterapiya - one of the oldest methods of natural healing. Even the famous "Canon" Avicenna scholar described the extraordinary healing properties of clay. But miracles of healing and recovery after treatment with clay and still surprise and delight.

Glinoterapiya works wonders in the treatment of skin diseases: psoriasis, acne, eczema. Exerting mechanical action on the skin, the effect of clay akin skrabbirovaniyu. At the same time, its adsorption properties allow using masks, lotions and compresses pulling pus, quickly dissolve and exfoliate dead skin cells, remove toxic substances from the skin of external origin. Moreover, clay is antiseptic, an antibacterial effect in inflammatory diseases of the skin caused by infection. For the treatment of skin diseases or simply cosmetic purposes (to maintain skin tone) is preferable to use a white or blue clay.

When applied as a compress, weight effectively and deeply to warm the affected area. Clay poultice is applied in the form of a thick cake of soft, well soaked in water substance. Above it is covered with several layers of cheesecloth or linen. This compress two hours of procedure warms the problem area, improves blood circulation and lymph flow strengthens. Therefore, clay treatment works wonders in the treatment of chronic diseases of the joints, the effects of trauma, inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi. In the form of compresses used yellow, red or blue clay.

There is a clay treatment and effective therapy such as clay baths. Bath with dissolved in water clay powder on the effectiveness of their health effects are not inferior mud mineral procedures. Clay baths are used both as a separate species glinoterapii, and in combination with masks, compresses, hand or foot baths. Most often they are used during the yellow, red, gray or blue clay.

It should be noted that glinoterapiya has contraindications. Therefore, before you experience the wonders of her healing, should familiarize themselves with the specific contraindications to the procedure and consult a doctor.

Tags: clay, treatment, miracles glinoterapiya