Balneotherapy - therapeutic mineral baths

Balneotherapy - therapeutic mineral baths
 Balneotherapy - methods of prevention and treatment in order to restore impaired body function naturally or artificially prepared mineral water. They are rich in zinc, iodine, fluorine, copper, manganese sulfate, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other valuable micronutrients.

Balneotherapy shows people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic, cardiovascular, and central-nervous system, urological and endocrine disorders, and is also used for rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, operations on the valves of the heart, stomach and so on.

The main methods of balneotherapy include general and local baths, swimming in the pool, ascending and underwater massage shower, shower person, local baths for feet and hands. Widely used inhalation and drinking and intestinal lavage mineral waters.

In natural waters, skin and muscles to straighten, thereby improving their circulation. Warm water restores the metabolism and activates blood flow to the vessels, and the biologically active iodine and bromine ions and dissolved gases (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen) improve the nutrition of all tissues.

The human body during procedures balneotherapy releases energy, removes toxic substances and contributes to the loss of calories. Thus, there is a kind of cleansing the body.

All types of baths contribute to changes in the functional state of the body's systems and provide incentives for them, normalizing or inhibitory effect. The nature of these changes depends on the individual response to water treatment, the intensity of the disease process and the biological activity of the method used balneotherapy.

During the treatment may be signs of deterioration of health as a low grade fever, increased white blood cells and ESR levels, strengthening or renewal of pain, sweating, fluctuations in blood pressure and tachycardia. This negative or pathological reactions balneotherapy, determines the character of the existing disease. They usually go away on their own after 3-4 days.

Under the influence of gases and salts dissolved in mineral water, irritated skin receptors and blood vessels, dilates the capillaries, which helps skin redness, which persists for some time.

Within 60-70 minutes of water treatments heart rate decreases. Although, taking salt baths and gas creates a certain strain on the heart, it has a beneficial effect on its function, providing trains effect on the heart muscle.

Along with baths commonly used mineral water for domestic use. Cold drink excites the motor activity of the stomach, and warm - it slows down. Good progress in the treatment using mineral water irrigation reach the intestine, duodenal intubation, gastric lavage, tyubazh and rectal methods (microclysters).

The use of mineral water in the treatment of dermatoses, having a direct relationship with gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, improves skin condition and its work, and also helps to normalize the function of the digestive system (gastrointestinal tract and liver).

Balneotherapy, as well as many types of treatment have their contraindications. These include: the disease in the acute phase or in the acute phase of a chronic process, pregnancy, progressive angina, or angina at rest, bleeding, infections, cardiac asthma and others.

Tags: water bath, view, treatment, balneotherapy