Steam treatments for health and beauty

Steam treatments for health and beauty
 If you think that a visit to the sauna - it is just a hygienic procedure, then you are deeply mistaken. Steam treatments are extremely useful for health and beauty, promote relaxation of body and soul. Due to the bath increases tissue oxygenation, increases blood circulation, excretion of toxins occurs, accelerating metabolism and reduced weight.

Steam treatments - is, first of all, an art that is made up of many components: preparation of an optimal heat-treated and properly sized broom, the ability to use it to create the desired humidity and the use of essential oils in the steam room. It is these important components create the right atmosphere, pripodnimut mood and improve health.

If you are going to the bath, remove the cosmetics from the face. Go directly to the steam room, while not standing in front of it to take a shower, the skin should be dry. Take with essential aromatic oils: lemon, eucalyptus, pine, mint, juniper, orange, fir, or any other. Add 3-5 drops in the bucket with hot water and pour over the stones. The air immediately filled with helpful and pleasant aroma, breathing becomes much easier.

The first call in a steam room must be no more than 7 minutes, then take a shower and relax for 20 minutes, or wrap it in a sheet, towel dry, drink a diaphoretic tea that will help you get rid of the accumulated toxins and prevent dehydration. Linden flowers and birch leaves heals the respiratory system, kidneys and liver; black elderberry flowers have a remarkable effect diaphoretic; blackcurrant leaves will help activate the body's metabolic processes. Pour one tablespoon of one of the above herbs and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a thermos Add a little honey to taste.

Beauty in Russia and bath procedures linked since ancient times. Women visiting the baths to treat hair and skin using natural ingredients and products, various herbal infusions. Our contemporaries today also do not mind to combine business with pleasure and take the time to care for your body. So, it is in the sauna or bath skin is most susceptible to a variety of cosmetic procedures.

Once paired skin becomes steamed, pores open and ready to absorb the healing ingredients - this is the right time for the application of different masks. After the first call to steam clean the dead skin cells steaming porridge or coffee grounds - this is a great exfoliant. After the cleaning procedure using nourishing and moisturizing mask. The most effective and simple: milk - cottage cheese or yogurt; vitamin - vegetables and fruits (apple, cucumber, banana, strawberry). For ever put potato mugs or tea bags. Rinse after 10-15 minutes.

If you dream of a gentle and soft skin without cellulite, like a child, prepare a mask scrub of honey. Mix natural honey with salt and let it sit for a while in a warm place. After visiting the steamy rub the whole body prepared mixture. Salt acts as a natural peeling, helps to reduce the volume of the body and sweating, and honey smoothes and nourishes the skin. Go to the steam room and how to treat yourself with a broom. Rinse with cold water and cool off. Your skin will become silky and elastic, subcutaneous seal smoothed.

However, there are some contraindications for which soared strictly prohibited:

- Fever;
- Menstruation;
- Varicose veins;
- Capillary mesh on the face;
- Pregnancy;
- High blood pressure and heart;
- Uterine fibroids, breast or other gynecological diseases.

Tags: oil, beauty, health, steam room, steam room, procedure, application