SPA-care at home

SPA- ?
 The effectiveness of spa treatments can be no doubt, because a similar recovery and relaxation are not able to give any other method of body care. Most women hold the mistaken belief that the present high-quality and efficient care spa is possible only in a good beauty salon. That's not it! You can spend a full and effective spa treatment at home.

First of all, you should stock up in advance environmentally friendly and natural remedies. After that, you can go directly to the procedure itself, initially focusing on the tools that are needed for it. In hot or warm bath (as you like) need to pour about a liter of milk. Get it checked in retail outlets. Your beautiful body deserves to bask in natural milk.

Take a bath with milk must be about twenty minutes at a time, you can create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation, play slow music, light the candles, dim the lights and think about something good. This is best done in silence: Turn off everything that makes noise, turn off the phone, enjoy natural sounds. Ideal if you're home alone, so you do not interfere with rest.

Enjoy your own smelling essential oils, citrus smells fit, and everything.

Pamper your taste whims: pour yourself a drink, take a chocolate and fruit that you prefer. All days eat only favorite, but light meals. It should be salads, some meat and fish.

Now go directly to cosmetic procedures. You definitely require special preparations consisting of containing seafood. In the beginning, perform the body scrub - it will give him the opportunity to learn the optimal cosmetic products to be used in the future, and opens the pores of the air.

Take sea salt and lightly rub it into the skin, which has already sufficiently wetted or should, treat her scrub. The best means to be a decoction of porridge for the face and body - from corn.

Then, thoroughly wash off the scrub, get out of the bath and proceed to further hydrate the skin. In general, the whole process spa care should take no more than forty minutes, otherwise there is a risk of failure in heart rate and increase the pressure on the hot water. Here the main thing - do not overdo it! The optimal means for humidification may be sesame oil or olive oil, diluted in water. Excellent assistant can be sprayed.

On top of that, you can make your own anti-cellulite massage impact, for about five drops of grapefruit oil pour ten milligrams of olive oil and mix well. The resulting mixture rub into problem areas of the body, while making zigzag massage movements.
Next, wrap yourself in a soft dressing gown. Such procedure is best done at night, since it is known that sleep is a continuation of "Glee" body.

Tags: domestic, condition, care, body treatment, spa, moisturizing