Massage feet, toes and ankles

Massage feet, toes and ankles
 It is unlikely that there is something more pleasant and relaxing than a foot massage. On the soles of the feet are hundreds of nerve endings, which delivers massaging unearthly pleasure and brings huge benefits throughout the body. Here are the points that are responsible for the pituitary gland, larynx, lung, liver, intestine, stomach, gonads. Foot massage relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation and tones the body as a whole. But do not think that it is artless and simple.  

Before the procedure, it is desirable to prepare a foot massage - to steam them in a herbal infusion over 15 minutes. Women can massage pedicure complement, because you can do it on their own. For convenience, use massage oil or any fat cream. Apply it on your hands, rub and proceed. The cream can be applied on the foot, ankle, and the space between the fingers.

Now take a comfortable position, better sitting. Or if you prefer to do a foot massage to another person standing, then bend his free leg at the knee and massaged just put on top. So it will be more convenient.

Start by rubbing your fingers. With one hand, hold the foot and the other spiral movements gently rub each toe. Thoroughly work on your fingers, go to the interdigital spaces and soles of the feet.

Rub the soles of undulating fist and middle phalanges bent fingers. All movements have to be from the fingers to the heels.

Heel dedicate a few minutes, it should grind properly. Make a few tweaks, then rub with your fingers: first four, then one large. Repeat all over again, sparing no effort.

Now you can go to the Achilles tendon. Techniques are the same as the movement from the heel to the calves. After this massage the back side of the foot, using both hands. Do stroking and circular grinding. Move from the fingers to the shin.

That was the turn of the ankle joint. It is desirable to massage both hands. Do straight and circular rubbing, and then add the sliding finger movements from the bottom up, and then proceed to the spiraling movement.

Now take the foot with both hands and gently make some movements in all directions. Doing massage to another person, make sure your own posture and do not overexert the back muscles.

If you need to quickly bring the legs into shape, Try to do acupressure. Take the foot in the hands, fingers, feet should be between the thumb and index finger palm. Now press down with your thumb at three points on the toes: the nail, for the joint and at the base of the thumb. Grasp the hand foot and push again, this time on the gaps between the fingers on the top of the foot up to the lift.

Now look at the heel - massage her dot on the inside of the lift and on both sides of the Achilles tendon to the ankle. Each foot paid not less than three minutes, and then pull the leg forward and slightly upward, taking a comfortable position.

After the massage, remove the remnants of the cream or butter towel. Do massage on a regular basis, more summer go barefoot, and your feet will have only good news.

Tags: leg, finger, massage, joint, shin