Massage at home

Massage at home
 Massage - mechanical effects on the human body by means of techniques. There is a huge amount of literature, with which you can learn how to do massage at home helping their loved ones.

Massage useful effect on the human body, and this influence is exerted on his body, and the internal processes. During the massage improves the breathing of the skin, which becomes soft and supple joints and ligaments become more mobility, and there is a decrease of pressure in hypertensive patients.

To learn how to make quality massage, it is necessary to master the basic techniques. There are five: rubbing, vibration, effleurage, kneading and stroking. Using these techniques will allow a beneficial effect on tissue and internal organs.

Rubbing can be deep or shallow. Deep grinding is done by an edge or base of the palm and thumb. Surface grinding is a massage with fingertips. All movements are carried out in different directions.

Vibration is a quick shake uniform weak skin. It improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. These shocks are to be weak, it may damage your internal organs to whom do the massage.

Effleurage effectively affects the nervous system, and through it the whole body. The essence of this method is a mild shock to the body undergoing massage. Strokes are usually carried relaxed hand.

Kneading a positive effect on the muscles, and is made in two stages. In the first stage pulled muscle and knead by using the palm and thumb, while the second arm is kneaded using fingertips (this step is performed most often in a back massage, lower leg, forearm).

Beginning and end of the massage is stroking, whose primary function - to clear dead skin tissue, improve blood flow in the body, and put in order the nervous system. Stroking carried out using the palm of the peripheral surface of the body to its center.

There are a number of contraindications to perform the massage. It is not recommended to do massage for people who suffer from fever, various bleeding, ulcers, swollen lymph nodes and vessels. It is forbidden to do massage during menstruation, pregnancy, acute ischemia after hypertonic and hypotonic crisis, the presence of mental illness, the presence of hernia and gallstones and kidney. If the person to whom you want to do massage, struck a sudden chill, put the massage until complete recovery.

Tags: house, home, condition, massage, health, medicine