Hydrotherapy for body and soul

Hydrotherapy for body and soul
 Hydrotherapy - water treatment is the use for the treatment and prevention. Perhaps the oldest known to date methods aimed at improvement of the body. Its uses are many. And you will always find one that will help achieve your goal.

If you want to do physical exercise, use water treatments. You can not just swim in the pool, but also to perform complex exercises. By the way, they have a great advantage. Helps to relieve muscle pain in diseases such as arthritis.

Douches are often recommended to raise the tone and enhance immunity. In order to feel the rush of energy, just wait for a few minutes under hot water and then with cold, as much as you can tolerate. In order to achieve greater effect, put on a hard sponge a few drops of essential oil and rub your body, standing under running water. You will feel like the blood rushes to the skin surface, saturating every cell of the necessary oxygen.

Bath with aromatic oils help to calm down and relax. Run out of my head all the disturbing thoughts. To do this, simply quarter-hour soak in warm water with sea salt and aromatic oils. In addition to the positive impact on the nervous system, you will get the perfect skin cleansing. Just remember that it is not necessary to relax in hot water. The most useful is the procedure at a water temperature of 35-37 degrees.

For sensitive skin, add a little cream bath and 5-7 drops of oil. Lying in warm water, try to relax and perhaps meditate. A twenty minutes Wipe off with a towel and rub your body with a mixture of specially prepared in advance. Mix a bit of nut butter with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. For bathing, you can use gauze bags with dried flowers or green tea. It all depends on your desire. With the help of powerful jets directed you get a great massage.

Why lately hydrotherapy is becoming more popular? Because it can help quickly heal damaged tissue, relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, get rid of the pain in muscles and joints, strengthen the immune system. And, besides, feel much more energetic and younger.

Tags: bathtub, shower, body, procedure, decision