Hot wrap: effect and features

Hot wrap: effect and features
 Hot wrap - one of the most popular procedures, promotes weight loss, elimination of toxins. With this manipulation can successfully fight the external signs of cellulite.

Hot wrap works by temperature. But hot - not to hot. The temperature of the mixture of hot wraps does not exceed 38 degrees C. More scorching substance can cause stress to the body. Heating effect is achieved by increasing the blood circulation in the tissues. In cosmetics intended for the wrapping of hot, add various substances that stimulate the circulation.

For example, entering cinnamon mask wraps, stimulates circulation, irritating the skin. This results in an additional thermal effect. Often in the mask includes an extract of hot peppers, which also has an irritating effect on the skin.

The attractiveness of the procedure due to the fact that after one session waist and hips can lose up to 2, 5 cm. Start wrapping procedure should be a thorough cleansing scrub. Then, the prepared mixture is applied to the area for wrapping. Thereafter, the body is wrapped with plastic film. Now you can lie down, take cover with a warm blanket or a special thermal blanket and relax. Time exposure mask should not exceed 30 minutes. After that it washed off with water, applied to the skin moisturizer.

During hot wraps under heat opens pores of the skin. Out from the body toxins, toxins and excess fluid. The active ingredients, vitamins and minerals penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, providing the most intense impact.

Wraps do with clay, algae, mud from the Dead Sea. In carrying out this procedure is also used red clay. It has a cleansing, relaxing, lipolytic action. Hot wrap with red clay perfectly stimulates skin renewal.

Hot seaweed give a remarkable effect in solving a lot of problems - from aesthetic defects to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Seaweed is rich in iodine. Algal hot wraps have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

Medicinal properties of Dead Sea mud were known thousands of years ago. They contain 43 kinds of different minerals. Hot mud wraps improve oxygen supply to tissues and stimulates the metabolism. Deep tissue warming up, the body is cleared.

However, hot wrap has some contraindications. Varicose veins, cancer, cardiovascular problems, pregnancy, it should not be done, as well as skin lesions.

Tags: Skin effect, mask, clay, hotter procedure feature wrap