Gymnastics and herbal medicine for normal skin

Gymnastics and herbal medicine for normal skin
 Owners of normal skin have many advantages. But unfortunately, this skin ages and loses its freshness or slightly slower than the other types. The complex of exercises and herbal medicine for your face will help to preserve the freshness and beauty of the skin.

Gymnastic exercises for normal skin (the first 5 are met by tension in the muscles of your lips):

- Fill your mouth with a small volume of air, imagine if it were a ball. Massage the lips and cheeks from the inside (first push the air to the left, then to the right cheek, under his lower lip, then under the top). Continue exercise for several tens of seconds;

- Your lips and start to wrap them inside until their complete disappearance. Start alternately to lower corners of her mouth, holding each position for a few seconds;

- A snack at a time that the upper lip, the lower lip. Repeat 4-12 times;

- Three fingers pull the skin up to the moment when your lips are not pulled into a narrow line. Stretch and contract the muscles of the lips arbitrarily;

- Firmly somknite teeth, straining muscles of the chin. Breathe through your mouth. Exhale reinforced, lips pursed funnel (exhaled air flow must be felt at a distance of 15 cm) Repeat 12 times;

- Close your eyes tightly squeeze the eyelids, then prischurte and open them a few times. Next, the most widely open your eyes for a few seconds.

Herbal medicine is not only effective, but also a proven way for centuries and generations of treating a variety of diseases. All that nature has given us, we can use for the benefit of our health and beauty. This method of treatment and recovery of the body has no side effects than proven itself among doctors and ordinary citizens:

- Mask of sour cream, apricot and vegetable oil. The pulp of a few apricots (3-5 pieces), mix with vegetable oil, a tablespoon of sour cream and beaten egg whites. Mask hold 15 minutes;

- Aloe juice. Purified after school and lubricate the skin mask piece of aloe leaf or juice;

- Mask of oat flour, starch and quince. Rub a ripe quince on the smallest grater, add 1 tbsp boiling water and 1 tsp starch and oatmeal. Leave the mask for 15 minutes;

- Camphor lotion of alcohol and grapefruit juice. Prepare a lotion from the juice of one grapefruit with the addition of a couple of drops of camphor alcohol. Wipe them skin after using the mask and gymnastics;

- Lime Cleansing infusion. After heavy perspiration, being in a dusty area or activity is recommended to wipe the face strained infusion of lime blossom. He is well relieves irritation and soothes the skin;

- Nourishing cream from lanolin, oatmeal and strawberry juice. You will need half a glass of strawberry juice, dessert spoon of lanolin and powder of oatmeal or cereal. Dissolve lanolin and add the oat powder, then gently pour the strawberry juice there. Stir everything until smooth.

Tags: leather, mask, gymnastics, herbal medicine