Fitovanny: pleasure and benefits

Fitovanny: pleasure and benefits
 A warm bath does wonders. 10-15 minutes spent in it, you rejuvenate and again feel the energy and enthusiasm. But if you have a little more time and a few drops of aromatic oil, treat yourself to an excellent health and beauty treatments - fitovannu.
 The best time to dive in fitovannu - evening. Fill the bathtub with warm water (about 36-38oS), add the broth of herbs or aromatic oil. To maximize your body has absorbed the nutrients, shower and use the pre-rinse cosmetics. Fitovannu need not take more than 20 minutes. In this case, try to relax, focus on pleasant feelings and do not think about the problems. Always ensure that the area of ​​the heart is above the water level. The course is 10-15 procedures carried out through the day.

The main effect fitovanny determined by its herbal ingredients. Flavored water relieve fatigue, calm the nervous system, helps to purify the skin from the city of toxins, improve metabolism and activates the immune system. The most useful beauticians and therapists believe fitovanny with the addition of citrus, lime blossom, valerian, chamomile and needles.

The essential oil of orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit, added to warm water, very well toned body. It cleans and refreshes the skin, removes the feeling of heaviness in the legs, increases efficiency and improves blood circulation and stimulates the body's defenses. This bath should be taken after strenuous exercise, for example, after active training or a hard working day. Citrus fitovanny 6 drops of essential oil mixed with a handful of ordinary sea salt and dissolve in water.

Lime Blossom - the chief assistant women who want to lose weight. Linden fitovanna help excrete the excess water makes the skin supple and smooth, relieve inflammation on her. Prepare a decoction of the flowers, buds or leaf linden. For this purpose, 300 g of dried plant pour 5 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil, let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain and pour into a warm bath.

Insomnia and nervous overstimulation help bath of valerian. It relaxes, soothes, relieves spasms and cramps, lowers blood pressure, has beneficial effects on the heart and stomach. For valeric fitovanny can be used aromatic oil or pharmaceutical liquid extract. 5 drops of oil or 50 ml of the extract dissolve in warm water and enjoy a healing bath.

Fitovanny chamomile relieve pain and heal wounds. They are also recommended for allergic reactions and diseases of the female organs. Chamomile soothes the skin and improves its elasticity. To prepare the bath 500 g of flowers cover with cold water, boil in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Then let it brew for half an hour, strain and pour into the tub.

To strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins, use softwood bath. It will help you cope with fatigue and depression, fills the body with new powers. Pour 2 handfuls of pine needles (better to take a fir, collected in a clean area) 1 liter of boiling water. Give the broth for 10 minutes. Then strain and pour into a warm bath. However, you can use fresh needles essential oil. Per procedure will be enough 5-7 drops.

Tags: bath, fun, good, recipe fitovanna