Abdominal massage slimming: variety and rules for the implementation

Abdominal massage slimming: variety and rules for the implementation
 Many women dream of having a wasp waist and flat stomach. Effective tool in this may be slimming massage, because after the first session will be noticeable results. Go not only extra inches, but also significantly improves the skin condition.
 There are many methods of massage of the abdomen, among which are the anti-cellulite, cupping and honey.

Anti-cellulite massage perfectly strengthens and tones the skin, and most importantly, helps to get rid of unwanted inches. The main reception is considered schiptseobraznoe kneading, during which the tissue of the abdomen deep capture, pulled and "passed" between the fingers.

Assistive devices:

- "Felting": more sparing technique in which the skin is ground palms are parallel;
- "Roll forming": one hand rolls fat fold to another;
- "Stretching": the fabric is stretched in opposite directions.

Prior to the massage, apply a massage oil or anti-cellulite cream, and then stroking and rubbing movements to prepare your skin is not very pleasant, and sometimes painful procedure. After the session should cover the abdomen with a warm towel and lie down.

Cup massage - this is a good remedy for cellulite, body fat and sagging skin. He helps to reduce muscle and stimulates the sebaceous and sweat glands, due to this organism is released from toxins, reduces body fat and eliminates the orange peel.

To massage bank was softer for some time it is placed into hot water and then mounted on the belly. Next, make a circular, zigzag and straight massage movements to counter hyperemia (redness) - an average of about 5 minutes. For best sucking and sliding banks skin should be well lubricated. If necessary, should be carried out from 5 to 15 procedures.

Honey massage - a procedure which is aimed at the removal of subcutaneous fat and visceral normalization robots.

Before the massage surface of the abdomen should be cleaned scrub and then apply honey. Once part of it is absorbed, you can start the procedure. The technique of honey massage is quite simple, you need to "glue" the palm or fingers to his stomach and pull sharply. There is a kind of vacuum effect which outputs from the skin toxins. After a while the honey begins to turn into a viscous gray mass that is easily washed off with warm water and a sponge.

To achieve the maximum positive effect can combine different techniques and do not be afraid to experiment.

Tags: stomach, massage, weight loss, species