Even at the dawn of civilization of the peoples of different countries and continents relieves pain by rubbing. Over time, the massage techniques improved, created treatises about massage, opened medical school, where one of the most important disciplines was to study massage and its application in practice. It is hard to overestimate the benefits and the effect of this treatment and prevention methods, where the main tool is the masseur's hands.
Of course, no one will refuse two or three times a year to undergo a professional massage. But not all, unfortunately, there is a possibility. But, remember a few rules, everyone can make a massage at any time and in any place. Rub your tired feet in the campaign, stretch your lower back at your desk, massage the head and neck in a traffic jam, to relieve a headache.
Full body self-massage to make difficult, this procedure requires considerable physical effort. Furthermore, there is inaccessible areas of the body that are impossible to grind themselves. Better to confine Express - self-massage for 5-15 minutes on separate zones. You can do it in the morning and in the evening, in front of the TV and the soul, through clothing or exposed skin. Dosage, time and force of impact you can choose depending on your state of health and desire. However, the presence of serious diseases or disorders, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of such a procedure.
The basic massage movements are stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, tapping, sawing and pat. These movements are carried out not only the palm of the hand, but also the back, and bent phalanges of fingers and fist. Massaged area of the body should be as relaxed.
All massage movements performed along the lymphatic duct, from the periphery towards the center, towards the lymph nodes. In doing so, the lymph nodes in the popliteal, inguinal, axillary, supraclavicular area can not be massaged.
Self-massage the feet is done with two hands, the foot at the same time should be bent at the knee and relaxed. Massage starts from the ankle, then goes to the knee joint and ends at the inguinal lymph nodes. The hands are placed on the outer and inner side of the foot massage movements must be synchronized.
Hands are massaged in the direction of the brush to the axilla. Thorax top to bottom, from the center to the side surfaces. The neck muscles are ground from the rear surface and lateral sides, the top downwards. The front of the neck in the area of the thyroid gland can not be massaged. So try to get round this area when doing massage of the neck and chin. Self-massage of the back, neck and lumbar zones do difficult, very tired hands behind her back. In this case, useful to a variety of devices: a long-handled brush, roller or massage devices massagers.
Evening self-massage should take no more than 10 minutes, it is advisable to hold it while lying in bed. The task of this massage - relaxation and stress relief after a hard day. Morning self-massage is more dynamic, you can start with the usual stretching, and finish under a cool shower to a whole day to be on our toes.
Express self-massage improves skin tone, helps relieve fatigue, displays the excess lactic acid from the muscles after exercise, restore joint mobility, enhance blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, normalize metabolic processes.
Contraindications for this procedure are: thrombosis, fever, fever, acute infection, various tumors, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding (including menstruation), damage to the skin and acute abdominal pain of unknown etiology.