Ice massage helps the skin retain elasticity, freshness and youth. Using ice can be surprisingly easy to cope with the swelling, pull loop and become the owner of an attractive and gentle blush. Cryomassage stimulates circulation and metabolic processes in cells and in general is a wonderful tool for aging skin. Also, he just prescribed for those who suffer from the problem and oily porous skin. Exposure to cold has beneficial effects on adjustment and balance sebum production and tightens pores. Ice massage should be applied every morning to wake up and help the skin look fresher, and after many cleaning procedures to narrow down and pull cleaned pores and thus make it less likely subsequent contamination.
Cosmetic ice of different composition and execution is easy enough to find in the major cosmetic stores and pharmacies, but it is quite possible to prepare and independently at home. So, what should I do the ice for every skin type? Of course, a universal means of a conventional frozen clean drinking water, which can be used for all skin types, but we should think about a more useful and interesting recipes.
Thus, for oily and problem skin is the best suited frozen and filtered herbal infusions (celandine, chamomile), as well as various compositions with natural fruit and berry juices (cranberries, raspberries). It is extremely useful for oily skin some juice of citrus fruits, such as lemon or grapefruit. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of the pores and increases the overall immunity of the skin, and effectively tightens pores.
For uvyadyayuschey skin can be brewed raspberry leaves, this simple structure will help her as much as possible to preserve youthfulness. Add clean water or herbal decoction a little milk or cream - also excellent reception to nourish the skin and help her to cheer up! Milk has long been considered a source of health, youth and beauty. To the skin to stay longer fresh and beautiful, as well as to get rid of wrinkles, you can use peach or apricot juice, well diluted with water.