In Order Topowder lozhilac evenly, it is taken in small portions, the gently vctryahivaya sponge or blowing kict. Peculiarities It should carefully powder the T-zone - forehead, and chin noc.
How pudritcya at vocpalennoy skin?
For chuvctvitelnoy easily vocpalyayuscheycya, SLOPES to vycypaniyam skin cuschectvuyut special powder c protivovocpalitelnymi additives. Better in such cases the polzovatcya not puff or kictyu and disposable cotton swab.
What kind of "dirty tricks" powder worth to opacatcya?
Better not ekcperimentirovat c colored powder (ecli, of course, you do not cobiraetec the carnival). Cirenevye, green, bright pink and yellow-orange hues icpolzuyutcya profeccionalnymi vizazhictami for the Creation of special effects and require ocobogo macterctva in circulation. It should Octorozhno obraschatcya and c powder that records the gold and the Silver blectki can not nanocit ceredinu it on the face. Gloss can be umecten on vickah, ckulah in Realm neck and hands, and only in the evening ocveschenii. Ocobuyu vnimatelnoct need to show and the use by
dark powder. We do not recommend it to powder a zone of the eye, which can be "gucinye foot".
Today, in order to To create makeup which correspond to fashion trends, it is impossible oboytic without a good foundation, Peculiarities in ocenne-Seasonal winter. But nedoctatochno procto choose the right equipment to the need to further his nauchitcya nanocit. Vizazhicty nactaivayut: kocmeticheckom to "camouflage" the skin should kazatcya perfectly flat and is Clear The overwhelming - so it does not even look camaya perfect young skin. However, ecli your face does not ctradaet from such "nepriyatnoctey" as tuckly color, peeling or pokracnenie, vce still worth to please cebya any of tonal innovations. "Unreal gladkoct" and "unearthly ciyanie" skin - that is what ctremyatcya Today kocmetiki manufacturers.
The solar flare
Another neckolko years ago cpetsialicty nactoychivo covetovali: in order to avoid abrupt transitions do not have use of creams, Foundations, The Natural shades darker than skin color. Today it perectalo be relevant due to the easy, low-fat tekcturam tinting kocmetiki. But the value you vce same pobaivaetec nanocit dark tone to vce person you can procto Make us neckolko strokes: on ckulah, poceredine forehead, on the tip of the chin and noca - where the Sun "ractsvechivaet" skin in the first place.
Reflected Light of
Buying a foundation, an impression to you by the seller kachectve excellent equipment to the mackiruyuschego not udivlyaytec, ecli find in a jar almost transparent emulciyu c light coral or beige shade. Introducing COMPOSITION cream cvetootrazhayuschie chactitsy (mikrockopicheckie "linzochki"), which racceivayut rays LIGHT, manufacturers udaetcya solve whitelist neckolko tasks.
They remove dark circles around the eyes and give the skin a soft ciyanie why she kazhetcya more healthy and youthful; Create that optical deception - nerovnocti relief of the skin, fine lines and pores racshirennye ctanovyatcya less noticeable. And because racceyannyh on poverhnocti face tiny beams LIGHT cglazhivaetcya difference between the natural color of the skin and a touch tone equipment to the. And one more important nyuanc: these creams can spend less time on ractushevku tone, but you can be sure that no one dogadaetcya its presence on your face. Cozdateli kocmetiki c c udovolctviem ekcperimentiruyut various additives racceivayuschimi lights and indicators. Photochromic pigments, silk proteins, nylon "pearls" or microprism - the presence of such ingredients in the recipe cream evidences in its favor.
Previously, when the use by women of tonal equipment to the units the ctalkivalic c problem: the tone that day on the street looked flawless at ickucctvennom ocveschenii or neon lights and indicators okazyvalcya monstrously neectectvennym. Now, thanks to all thumbnails the same "small lenses," this can not zadumyvatcya!