Proper care of the eyebrows

Proper care of the eyebrows
 Beautiful and well-groomed brows give the female form alluring enigma and mystery of light. One eyebrow movement can express a lot of emotions: sadness, joy, sadness or distress. Proper care of the eyebrows involves a number of activities that should be carried out regularly.
 Smooth, beautiful and properly adjusted eyebrows can emphasize the oval face, hair, make-up, to draw attention and make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Groomed eyebrows sometimes overshadow "no" all your efforts to look nice and neat. Therefore, they should ensure the correct and proper care, because the introduced error correction can be very expensive.

If you tweeze eyebrows yourself at home, brush their pre-fat cream, thus pulling the hairs you simplify and reduce pain. Before plucking eyebrows, make using the white stick desired contour and shape, clearly follow it. Remove hairs that grow on the nose, and those that are at the upper limit of eyebrows, touch is not recommended, because in the end they will grow even more, and the line is below the eyebrows.

Coloring eyebrows are best left to professionals. They will be able to choose the right paint to look like eyebrows can be harmoniously combined with the color of your hair. Note that the eyebrows should not be much darker hair, black eyebrows - the prerogative pronounced brunettes. Many girls used to outline shadow or eyebrow pencil cosmetics. This allows you to paint them well and give the desired shape.

To eyebrows have always been thick and beautiful, it is necessary in the morning to do a light massage: stroking, and rotational movement schipatelnye. Smoothes eyebrows in the direction from the nose to the temples. Daily overnight brush special brush hairs from the nose to the temples, after dropping a few drops of sea buckthorn, castor or olive oil.

Buy at any drugstore oil vitamins A and E (available capsules "Aevitum"). Add two drops of these vitamins in a base of burdock or almond oil. Dampen gauze or cosmetic wheels in the prepared solution and apply to the eyebrows, leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Do this procedure every other day for one month.

Tags: eyebrow, massage, care, correction