How to make your lips plump

How to make your lips plump
 Beautiful, plump and elastic lips - a symbol of youth, health and sexuality. Although the size and shape of the lips determines the nature, but competent and thoughtful makeup is able to correct deficiencies and make lips full and attractive.

To lips had a nice view, they need to be healthy and well groomed. To do this, you need to perform a few simple rules for the care of the delicate skin of the lips. For its food, protection from harmful external factors and moisturizing every night just before bedtime must be done quite some simple steps: brushing teeth, gently massage your lips with a toothbrush. This will increase blood flow to them and saturate the skin with nutrients.

2-3 times a week to do a lip nourishing mask. The easiest option - honey mask. Just Spread your lips honey and go to bed. As a result of this procedure is not difficult to lip skin will become soft and velvety. Other options nourishing masks: banana, mashed and mixed with warm milk; honey with carrot juice; honey diluted with water with small amounts of vegetable oils. After applying nutritional leave or any other mask on the lips for about 10 minutes, and then remove is absorbed into the skin with a cotton swab or the remains just a napkin. Then apply a special cream or chapstick.

Visual volume of your lips will make cosmetics. Actress Marilyn Monroe was quite flat and unattractive lips, but with the help of special secret sought charming volume and swelling. She enjoyed lipstick three color tones. Apply a lip tint average brightness with a brush. Least bright color circle contours, and the most intense tone mark a dot in the center and blend it. A similar effect can be achieved if you mix two different lipstick, causing darker in the center and light - the contour of the lips and shade transition.

Lipstick is better to choose natural colors, no need to greatly increase the contour of the lips with a pencil. Lipstick pearl color emphasizes the shortcomings of the skin, and light glossy shine noticeably smoothes them. And most importantly - smile. That sweet smile will make your face a pleasant and attractive.

Tags: skin, lip care