How to make a long eyelashes

How to make a long eyelashes
 Fluffy long eyelashes - is not only beautiful, but also useful. After all, these little hairs protect the eyes from dust, dirt and mechanical damage. At all times, women are in search of such a tool that can make the eyelashes thicker and longer, because it gives a special look extra depth and drama.  
 Today there are many ways to achieve the desired, from my grandmother's time-tested recipes and special oils and ending with drugs and cosmetic eyelash extension procedure.

In order to make your eyelashes longer, you will need:

- Oil (olive oil, castor oil, almond);
- Vaseline cosmetic;
- Stimulants for the growth of eyelashes.

You should know that the most basic step towards a beautiful long eyelashes - this is the right way of life. If possible, avoid stressful situations, dusty, stuffy and smoky rooms, as well as junk food high in saturated fat and refined sugar. The diet should include those foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins, promotes active hair growth - it's vitamins E, C, B complex, beta-carotene, zinc and magnesium.

Also remember that the building material for the eyelashes and hair and nails - amino acids, which are found in protein foods. Dry, brittle lashes never become long and fluffy, so feed them and be outside and the inside. This will help you foods rich in omega-3, -6 and -9. For example, the acai berry is rich once all three types of mineral acids. At night should be lubricated with vaseline eyelashes or one of the oils listed above.

Modern cosmetic industry today created a lot of products for eyelash growth - oil mixture, conditioners, serums. These funds are intended to strengthen the cilia and stimulate their growth. The most effective of cosmetics eyelashes are those that contain all sorts of analogs and derivatives of prostaglandins.

Try as little as possible to injure the eyelashes. If the eye is something horrible, no need to rub hard eyelid better to just rinse with water. Make-up for the night it is necessary to wash special means. Despite the fact that there is a mascara to lengthen the effect, it acts very aggressively. Even if you do not paint your eyes, eyelashes before going to bed still in need of purification, because the whole day, they protect your eyes, holding the dirt and dust of the street space.

Tags: eyelash care