How to draw eye shadows

How to draw eye shadows
 Eyeliner and arrows - actual makeup techniques, giving an expressive look, and to draw attention to the eyes. At the same dramatic effect can be mitigated if, instead of a bright mascara or pencil to use shadows in the form of powder, pencil or cream. They will look mysterious, but a way - soft and mysterious.
 Those who want to experiment with shadows, it makes sense to buy a palette of different shades. On sale there are great kits that include up to 50 colors and small mosaic with 3-4 shades that are in harmony with each other. For a complete eye makeup shadows need three colors - light base, medium and dark. Choose any color scheme. It is possible to choose the color of eyes or clothing. Sometimes an interesting effect can be achieved by playing on contrasts - for example, filling out blue eyes brown shadows and shades of brown framed ultramarine.

Apply to all mobile eyelid light base shade - cream, light beige, pale gray. Thoroughly blend them. Type in some shadows applicator medium-dark shade and slide it wide strip along the lash line. The second bar lay on the border of rolling century from the middle to the outer corner of the eye. Blend transitions, ensuring smooth color. Tronte applicator dark shadows. Put them along the lash line, starting from the middle of the century. Darken the outer corner of the eye. Move the lower eyelid from the middle to the outer corner, connecting line with eyeliner upper eyelid. Proceed with the tip of the applicator to the line to get a clear and thin.

Sometimes powdery shadows can crumble, accumulate in the folds of the century or lie flat enough. Try to draw the eye creamy. They are packaged in small jars with screw caps are applied applicator brush with a beveled edge or just your fingers. The choice of the method of application depends on what effect you are planning to get. Application fingers gives a soft tone with smooth transitions of color, brush allows for a clear line. In a make-up can be connected both ways, first by creating a blurred tone using a lighter shade, and then darken the outer corner of the eye, using a brush or applicator.

The easiest way to draw the eye shadows in pencil. There are options with glitter, shimmering or matte effect. First apply a few strokes on the mobile eyelid and blend them with your fingers. Spend a clear line on the upper eyelid, and then just move the bottom. Pencil can be stored in the beautician, using makeup to refresh throughout the day. After each use to undermine lead him to stay sharp and give a clearer line.

Tags: eye shadow, eyeliner