How to choose the color of foundation

How to choose the color of foundation
 Successful makeup - is the one in which the face looks natural, fresh and seems almost not made up. And the basis of the right makeup is the right choice of color foundation, in which the need to build on your natural color of the skin on the face.
 Woman with pink skin color should not be selected tonal basis pinkish color. They fit beige tone.

When yellowish skin of the face is better to use beige-pink tone cream. When dark - beige and apricot or dark beige. Darkie should avoid beige foundation, in which the face will look grayish.

In order not to be mistaken with the tone of the cream, the purchase can be tested foundation. Many women mistakenly applied concealer on the inner side of the wrist. The skin is significantly different in color from the skin, so the correct choice of color the cream should be applied to the area of ​​the jaw bones. Causing foundation for this skin, you will see the effect that will create on your face this foundation. The best choice is not in color, and tone your skin. If the foundation is too dark for you, the person will look "artificial", if very light - you will have a pale and tired.

The main condition for when choosing a foundation color - natural light. Another good option - to buy two shades of tonal resources - one light and the other - darker. Mixing them, you can get the color, perfectly suited to you.

If all attempts you still can not find the perfect color for your skin tone cream likely, your skin has a yellowish tint. Buy yellow or yellow corrector powder, because it is such a pigment is usually absent in the tonal resources.

Suitable for evening makeup foundation, slightly darker than your natural complexion. To simulate your face, you can use different color tones basics. At the same time, remember that:
- Light colors give volume and reduce its dark;
- Cool colors and reduce alienate and warm - and increase the closer.

Your beauty is in your hands. Achieve a beautiful and smooth skin tone is not difficult, especially now that there are all the necessary cosmetics. The main thing - to know the measure.

Tags: color means cream