Permanent makeup lips - this application under their thin upper layer of the skin of a special organic dye, whereby the lips become more pronounced contour and color. There are several types of such a tattoo:
The first - "only path" - affects only the contour of the lips and is ideal for women with a beautiful line of his mouth. Carried out with the help of this type of pastel colors, resulting in a clearer and more distinct circuit, do not leave at the same time in the eye.
The second type - "contour with shading" - in this quite often use darker tones, while the contour smoothly into the natural color of the lips. The line width of the feathering does not exceed 5 mm.
The third type - "completely filled" or "permanent lipstick" - while doing this tattoo color fills the entire surface of the lips. By choosing this method, a woman can forget about lipstick on 2-4 years, with lips will gain a small amount and gently will shine.
Finally, the fourth type of tattoo lips - "light machinery Kaya" - doing the work, the master draws a bright line on the top and under the lower lip, which gives her relief and volume of the lips.
Depending on the type of tattoo, the procedure takes from 2 to 5 hours, while it is performed using local anesthesia. Many after this manipulation complain of reduced immunity and the appearance of herpes sores. It is therefore necessary to use antiviral drugs before and after the tattoo. The first couple of days are quite sensitive lips and covered with a small crust. This color is not immediately, but only after complete healing - 3-4 days. If necessary, the color and contour can be corrected.
Some women say that after tattoo lips become coarser. This problem can be solved with the help of special caring balms. This effect is strictly individual, but it passes quickly with the right care. In general, the majority of women who have experienced permanent makeup lips on himself satisfied with the result.