What vitamins are useful to preserve the beauty and youth

What vitamins are useful to preserve the beauty and youth
 If we stick to the principles of a healthy and balanced diet, follow the composition of food and take nutritional supplements, you can push the aging process for several years. Products to prolong youth and beauty contain all the essential trace elements.
 The beneficial effects of antioxidants is to increase the protective functions of the body, slowing the aging of cells, stimulation of collagen is responsible for skin elasticity, etc. By antioxidant vitamins include vitamins C, E, A.

Vitamin E (or tocopherol) slows down the oxidation of fats, inhibits the growth of free radicals (the main "culprits" cell destruction), strengthens the body's immune function and has anti-carcinogenic properties. Atherosclerotic plaque formation and blockage of the lumen of blood vessels contributes to the appearance of blood clots - tocopherol hinders blood clots. Elasticity of the skin and a lack of age spots - one of the results of sufficient intake of vitamin E, which also strengthens the hair, supports the vision. It is found in vegetable oils, legumes germinated wheat grains, liver, milk, porridge, etc.

Vitamin with strong antioxidant effect - ascorbic acid. It normalizes the cholesterol balance in the body affects the blood cells, supporting the iron reserves at a desired level. If a substance enters the body in sufficient quantities, the skin loses moisture, retains its firmness and elasticity, and a lack of vitamin C is shown in hair loss, problems with the gums, teeth, etc. Contains ascorbic acid in citrus fruits, peppers, rose hips, peas, currants, etc.

Retinol is responsible for the renewal of skin cells, promotes the assimilation of carotene (provitamin youth), maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and regulates water balance. Brittle nails, dandruff, acne and acne - the problems associated with a lack of vitamin A, which is found in dairy products, liver, red and orange fruits and vegetables, etc.

Vitamin-P-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) - a lack of this substance causes the formation of wrinkles at an early age, graying hair, the appearance of white spots on the skin. To ensure its entry into the body to help the regular use of offal (kidney, liver, heart), yeast, eggs, milk, oatmeal.

B vitamins provide energy to cells in terms of their lack of body is rapidly aging, the skin is covered with premature wrinkles, start progressing chronic diseases.

Tags: Beauty, vitamin, youth, conservation