Unusual jewelry for your teeth

Unusual jewelry for your teeth
 Smile like nothing else, decorates a person's appearance. Snow-white, radiant, she attracts the attention and elicits a response. Health and beauty industry offers decorate themselves teeth quite a variety of ways.

Make your smile brighter and more attractive it is possible, using a variety of methods for whitening, restoration and decoration of teeth. And if the first two procedures are necessary, the decoration of the teeth - it is rather a creation of the image.

Before embarking on any procedure related to the decoration, it is necessary to take care of oral health. Any product applied only to a completely healthy teeth or ceramic crowns, so better to visit a dentist and cure all the small and big problems, remove tartar, as well as whiten your smile, because it will be extra attention.

As decorations, the most widely used in dentistry got Skys. This small articles of precious stones or crystals Svarovsci. Gems (diamonds and sapphires) often put on ceramic crowns, as in this case, the decoration can be very good fix. But rhinestones available to almost everyone. They are glued to the surface of the tooth with a special composition, which becomes completely transparent after drying and allows the stone to refract light. This way of attaching jewelry does not cause absolutely no harm to the tooth surface and allows you to remove the product at any time.

Another kind of jewelry, especially popular among young people - Twinkle. This animal figures and other images made from gold, platinum and alloys health. They are fixed on the teeth like Skies.

More unusual and unique way to decorate the surface of the tooth - a tattoo. Figure apply special paints and lasts for years. The disadvantage of jewelry is that its owner would have to be avoided in the diet of solids that can damage the image. To remove a tattoo completely, as well, and any other product, you should contact your dentist.

As a rule, all the decorations are kept on the teeth from six months to a year and do not require special care. That they do not harm the enamel to install and remove their need in the dental clinic. And a special attractiveness of your smile will not go unnoticed.

Tags: tooth tattoo, decoration, Twinkle