Save the beauty after 45

Save the beauty after 45
 After 45 years in the body in women begin changes associated with menopause. To preserve the beauty of this age, it is necessary to put a little more effort than before.
 Watch your weight, ideally, should go to a fractional power. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day. In the morning, eat more high-calorie food, rich in carbohydrates. After lunch, take a light meal, vegetable, or lactic acid. Follow the well-known rule -malokaloriyny dinner no later than two hours before bedtime.

Exercise, at least an hour a week to do stretching exercises. At this age, you can do aerobics with small power loads. Untrained women suit walking at a moderate pace. You can keep in shape, doing dances, besides, it takes a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Keep the skin tone, it is possible to use folk remedies. Well moisturizes mature skin fat milk or cream. Means must be applied to clean skin, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, then rinse face need cold water or rub an ice cube. After the procedure, the skin is slightly wet towel.

Do not forget to monitor the condition of the hands and feet. Timely to do a pedicure and manicure, be sure to use creams. Once a week, pamper your feet and palm oil mask. Apply a small amount of any vegetable oil on your hands and massage well. Wear gloves and cloth are like so 40 minutes, then remove them and remove the remaining oil cloth. In the same way to make a mask for the feet.

Pay particular attention to the hair. After 45 years of caring for them should be especially careful, important time to tint gray hair, when she appeared. To do this, you can use regular hair dye, and even better plant. For example, tools such as henna and Basma, not only hide gray hair, but also to strengthen the hair, make them shiny and silky.

Maintain the beauty of positive emotions. Do not listen to pessimistic friends who love to talk about what the best years are already behind. Instead of silly talk, take yourself to something interesting, spend more time on his hobbies or favorite work.

Tags: Ambassador Beauty