How to remove false eyelashes

How to remove false eyelashes
 Today, false eyelashes are very popular, especially among girls, clearly watching all the changes of fashion. To false eyelashes not harm this, you must not only know how to properly glue, but also how to properly remove.

To soften the glue, which were glued false eyelashes, apply to eyelids tampons soaked in clean and warm water. A little hold.


Lubricate the lash line with a cotton swab that has been soaked in olive oil or milk to remove makeup.


Using tweezers remove false eyelashes and flush eyes with water to remove any residual adhesive.

Pay attention

Remove false eyelashes very carefully, slowly, otherwise you can damage the real eyelashes.

Useful Tips

After removing the false lashes, try to give your lashes a rest. Do not abuse the cosmetics for about two to three weeks.

Tags: eyelash, invoice