How to get white teeth

How to get white teeth
 It is a pity, but under the influence of various factors, human teeth begin to turn yellow. Of course, with proper and regular care, this process may be slow, but eventually a nasty yellow plaque becomes more noticeable. That is why people try to use different measures to achieve white teeth.
 White tooth enamel is dependent on, and under the influence of food, particularly sweet, it becomes thinner and covered with imperceptible to the human eye "pores". It is in these pores and stuck food (coffee, berry, cola, wine, etc.), which gives teeth yellow. A major role in yellowing enamel plays smoking, as it is due to the formation of cigarettes tartar. Therefore, in the struggle for whiter teeth is to abandon this habit and eat less sugary foods and coffee.

You can spend dental whitening tooth enamel. This procedure is carried out in professional clinics and hospitals. Bleaching occurs when using a special gel which is applied to the teeth and begins to be active when exposed to light. Later teeth are covered with fluorine. This whitening procedure is quite effective, but it is contraindicated to the people of the mouth and teeth are overly sensitive.

In dentistry, and whitening is performed even when using a laser. To do this, too, applies the gel, but it is not activated by light and laser. This dental whitening more efficiently and completely for those people who have seen the sensitivity of the mouth and teeth. In this method, there is only one drawback - a rather high cost.

You can try to whiten your teeth at home. Do it with the help of case that is impregnated with a solution and put on the teeth overnight. Although prior to their use is advisable to consult with your dentist.

The easiest way to whiten teeth - is the use of specialized toothpastes. Today, a huge amount of discharged toothpaste, which can bleach the enamel. However, a strong and rapid effect of this method should not be expected, teeth using toothpaste can whiten only one or two colors.

Once a month, you can use the following method to whiten teeth: rub a large strawberries, add to it two grams of baking soda mixture and mix well, apply this paste on your teeth and hold it for six minutes, then rinse thoroughly berry paste and brush your teeth well.

Before you start your own whiten your teeth, it is advisable to consult with your dentist as soon as an occupational therapist will be able to assess the condition of the tooth enamel.

Tags: tooth, white, tooth whitening