Bad advice is to look older

Bad advice is to look older
 You do not like your reflection in the mirror? Do you think that looks like an interesting fellow adult women, with an unusual destiny, and you're on their background - just a mouse with provincial naive view? This is easily remedied. Follow these tips and you can easily add yourself ten or twenty years. Well, and colleagues will be grateful, because your freshness of their somewhat confusing.

Bangs, short haircut and disheveled blond hair - a young and frivolous! Slicked hair raven add seriousness and plus five years.

Very good in fact honor the addition itself has proved age makeup in dark colors. Thick cream foundation and powder coated thereon tan underline all the wrinkles, because they indicate the intensity of the emotional component of your life. Remarkably helps tan-skinned woman with "a la grilled chicken" will never go unnoticed. Against this background, brown lipstick during the day and a wine-red evening look amazing and add another three years. And do not forget the intense black lashes.
If you want to look older, stop watch his eyebrows. After 30 years of eyebrows begin to grow more actively. Therefore, overgrown, tangled hairs bring you closer to the cherished ideal.

It's a shame that after removing makeup in the mirror you are still young face looks outrageous? Do not worry, with so much makeup it's not for long. But if you still want to drastic measures - just do not wash makeup. Especially at night. And sleep less. Physiologists say that during sleep, regenerative processes go twice as fast. So do not let this young man a chance!

The wonderful thing photoaging! Substitute your pale skin to the sun, no sunscreen and sunglasses. At the same time, try to squint stronger to light wrinkles on background tanned skin stand out more clearly. If you're lucky, you and pigment spots appear. By the way, in the winter, too, can be given to the power of the all-powerful ultraviolet. Reflected from the snow sting rays of the sun, no less than in the summer. Strengthen the effect of natural ultraviolet artificial. Solarium - this is what the doctor ordered. And as often as possible!

You still look young? Tanned skin, though shamelessly supple and fresh? It is necessary to drink less! Not in the sense that you think! Consume the least possible moisture and water usual green tea. Very soon, your skin will become flabby and dry. But alcohol is welcome! Especially red wine. Through the active use of "Merlot" and strong coffee, you can get a spectacular spider veins on the cheeks and chin. If take drinks inside only through a straw, then around your lips quickly formed small wrinkles, adds additional years. Do not worry, they are very difficult to get rid of even surgically. The same effect is true companion - a cigarette! Smokers look much older than his years, not only because of the elegant gray complexion, but also because of the numerous wrinkles around the lips.

What else? Be sure to use creams for lifting. If you want to look older then and cosmetics should be appropriate. Also good are scrubs with large granules that are used on a daily basis. The skin gets tired very quickly restore the lipid barrier, and you get close to his goal.

Forget about sports figure and proud bearing. Where did you see old women with a straight back and straightened his shoulders? Ssutultes, hide the chest and lower your head down. A sweet rolls and spicy fatty foods will bring your figure to perfection.

And the finishing touch - hand. It hands give your true age. Therefore, from now on forget about rubber gloves during homework. Hand cream too excess. Forget about the manicure, it's useless. Enough to make up nails bright varnish.

That's it! The desired result is achieved. Now no one will give you 18 years. Soon give way to the subway. But do not you tried this?

Tags: skin color, cream, year, young, makeup, advice, wrinkle, senior