Whitening Toothpaste: what to choose?

Whitening Toothpaste: what to choose?
 It is known that in ancient Egypt people to whiten your teeth, using a mixture of powdered pumice and wine vinegar. Fortunately, science has leaped forward, and now not only pumice, but with soda and chalk are long forgotten. However, despite the abundance of whitening toothpastes, not all are able to pick it up correctly.

All toothpastes with whitening ingredients are divided into two groups. This paste with a high content of abrasive particles and the pastes containing chemicals.

Step pastes containing bleaching chemical origin elements based on the use of oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide or urea. When used, they produce highly active oxygen radicals and thereby oxidize those pigments which color the yellowish tint to the teeth. Pigments lose color and become transparent, and teeth, respectively, white.

The undoubted advantage of such pastes is a quick result. But the frequent use of such tools leads to the destruction of tooth enamel. In addition, when the wrong selection of pasta you can get white teeth and dark fillings. Furthermore, in some cases there may be an allergic reaction. Therefore, before you attempt to whiten teeth toothpaste containing chemicals, talk to your dentist. Perhaps he would approve of your choice, or vice versa, will recommend paste from another manufacturer.

Pastes abrasive action incorporate dicalcium phosphate, silica or alumina. Such compounds can be 40% of the composition. Thanks to them, you can get rid of plaque. From the particle size depends on the degree of effectiveness of the paste: the larger will be contained therein particles, the better will be bleaching. But the higher the risk of enamel from the teeth wipe like a grater. Furthermore, such pastes injure the gums.

In order not to expose the teeth remain virtually no risk of enamel, choose Paste the contents of soft abrasives. They do not hurt your mouth, do not harm the enamel and cleave the protein structure of plaque on the teeth. Look to paste the content of papain - an enzyme that is contained in papaya.

Whatever pasta you choose, remember that they are not as effective as in commercials. And besides, any of these pastes can not be used for sensitive enamel caries and periodontal disease and. Nor should we buy toothpaste that contains peroxide with an interest greater than 0, 1%.

Tags: properties, composition, tooth