How to lose 10 pounds in a week

How to lose 10 pounds in a week
 Rapid weight loss - this is not something that nutritionists recommend. But sometimes circumstances are such that just need to quickly throw off those extra pounds. It's easy to talk about 2-3 kilograms overweight, but how to lose 10 pounds and just a week?

Rule 1

Do not disregard the fact that diets are the fastest and most effective way to lose weight. But referring to a particular super-diet, consider whether. After all, the stricter conditions slimming - the slower leave pounds. Visually, it does seem that you are approaching the desired effect, but actually you only excreted from the body fluid, and the metabolism slows down.

Rule 2

Exercise with limited power to help in the fight against excess weight. With the lessons you speed up your metabolism by stimulating fat burning and diet will not give delayed fats in the body. But not all exercises will help throw off 10 pounds in a week.

Rule 3

Pay attention to aerobic exercise. Biking, running, jumping rope - all that makes your heart work at a furious pace. These exercises will help you burn fat rapidly, not only during exercise, but also after it.

Rule 4

Force yourself to perform high-intensity exercise. However, do not exhaust yourself playing sports for a few hours, it is better to do less exercise, but qualitatively. Suffice it to twenty minutes a day, but you need to give everything 100%. For example, perform 15 push-ups, jumping 100, abdominal exercises. Do three sets. Try each workout to improve their results and compete with themselves.

Rule 5

Complete physical activity stretching. Muscle building is inextricably linked with the increase, so stretching will help you avoid this. Yoga, Callanetics, Pilates - great ways to lose weight, get a good stretch and improve your mood. Engage stretching after exercise.

Rule 6

Thus, it is possible to throw the right amount of pounds in a short time. Most importantly, give yourself a goal and do not forget to combine exercise with proper nutrition.

Tags: week