The whole truth about intimate tattoos

The whole truth about intimate tattoos
 Tattoo now nobody will be surprised. Farther into the past goes the stereotype that tattoo - the lot of criminals and soldiers. On a par with hair color or style of tattoo is a way of expression, accessory, from which it is impossible to get rid of. The client's body to tattoo like blank canvas for the artist, and fill liked the image it can almost anywhere, not excluding the intimate zone.
 Intimate tattoo - it's not necessarily a tattoo near or directly on the genitals. Is any tattoo that most of the time covered by clothing or underwear - on the chest, buttocks, abdomen, on the inside of the thighs, etc. Typically, these tattoos are made to them could only see the person to whom it would be allowed. Of course, this image has pluses and minuses, by the way, the second much more.

The first minus intimate tattoo, which may face girl - it's a pain. Especially when it comes to areas close to the genitals or breasts. Especially if the tattoo is planned for one of the erogenous zones. These areas are therefore erogenous that sensitivity are much higher than in other areas. And this applies not only to the pleasant feeling, but also to pain. For many girls, the process of tattooing in the sensitive area is transformed into a sophisticated torture - often the client themselves asked to stop the process, since pain is prohibitive. It is unlikely that in this case the tattoo session left a pleasant memories.

The following are also associated with negative skin sensitivity. If you default to accept what tattoo should be done only in a responsible and trusted master is still the risk of adverse skin reaction to the dye. Paint for tattoos - it's not a cream that can be applied on an inconspicuous area to check for any allergic reaction - once again to sign the needle in the skin nobody wants. And even the subject of sterility and use high-quality paint, no one can guarantee that a particular person, it does not cause allergies.

It is necessary to warn the girls who decided to capture the name of the body of a loved one. Thousands of clients going to the tattoo parlor, confident that they will spend the rest of your favorite days. Those masters sadder to see how the same girl after a while come to paint or to reduce the former name of the young man. Your love, probably forever. But here's the tattoo - exactly forever, without any "likely".

In addition, not every man will appreciate this original decoration. Many tattoo in an intimate area may push.

And, nevertheless, a bold, confident girls who managed to sweep away all fears and concerns, we can only wish good luck - after all, many men pictures on the secret places of the body is very plant. By the way, many of the arguments of opponents of tattoos - with age or pregnancy sagging skin is ugly, and pretty ugly picture will spread. It is logical that if the skin is sagging and stretch, but it is not too aesthetically pleasing in any case - is there a tattoo or not. Perhaps the tattoo even divert attention from the defects of the skin, so that such a position is not tenable.

Tags: tattoo area, although