Proper care of aging skin

Proper care of aging skin
 Age-related skin changes tend to appear after 30 years. It is at this period of facial wrinkles become more noticeable. In turn, the signs of aging appeared mostly after 45 years. At this age, formed deeper wrinkles, facial skin loses its elasticity, becomes sluggish and dry. Proper care can help a woman feel attractive and youthful.
 Problems of aging skin

Wrinkles, dryness and dehydration - the main problem of the skin after 45 years. This is due to the weakening of the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands and the deterioration of the water-lipid balance of the skin. Decrease of melanocyte enzyme activity and reduce the rate of cell division leads to the inhibition of basic metabolic processes. Also at this age do not have time to fully restore the lipid layer of the stratum corneum. A disturbance of microcirculation and reduce the number of blood vessels have a negative impact on the skin.

Do not forget that in addition to natural processes and genetically programmed changes, there are many factors that seriously affect the appearance of the skin: incorrectly selected drugs, lack of sleep, stress, poor diet, smoking and alcohol.

Fundamentals of proper care

Daily cleanses the skin special cosmetic milk. Remember: Hot water and soap negative effect on the epidermis. Remains of milk remove tissue. To avoid the appearance of spider veins (rosacea), avoid changing the contrast of hot and cold water. Do not forget to protect your skin from the cold and wind in winter.

Avoid using alcohol-based skin care products. Before buying lotions, creams and makeup carefully read the composition. Medications that contain alcohol, strongly dried skin.

Regularly use a nourishing cream. Well, if a part of such tools include a variety of vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, linseed, castor, olive, etc.), peptides, allatoin, collagen, retinol and vitamins and other useful substances.
No less useful special serum intended for aging skin. They contain a biologically active substance.

1-2 times per week nutritional use masks. They can be purchased in a beauty store where shopper will help you choose the necessary means, or prepare yourself at home. The main ingredients for masks intended for aging skin, will be: cucumber, sour cream, vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed), broths lime, nettle, St. John's wort, aloe juice, egg yolks and honey.

Remember, your health is reflected in the first place on the skin. Active lifestyle, proper diet and good sleep - a pledge of beauty.

Tags: skin, face, beauty, care, secret