How to remove a bone on the thumb

How to remove a bone on the thumb
 The appearance of bone on the thumb is usually a symptom of transverse flatfoot. Suffer from this ailment often women who love to wear narrow dress shoes with high heels. Reduce or even remove the bone on the thumb, you can, if you regularly perform the procedures recommended in this case folk medicine.
 Reduce the appearance of transverse flatfoot can, if done daily foot bath of dry flowers of white lilac and fennel seeds. This tray has not only anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. For its preparation brew 10 g fennel seeds and 30 grams of flowers of white lilac 1, 5 liters of boiling water, let it brew broth for 15-20 minutes, strain it through cheesecloth and then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. As soon as the temperature of the broth will be comfortable for your feet, dip them in a bowl with broth and keep it there for 15-20 minutes. To obtain a stable therapeutic effect such baths should be done at least 2 weeks.

One of the simplest, but nevertheless, the most effective methods to eliminate the bone on the thumb is to apply it iodine mesh. Traditional medicine recommends to do it every day at night for months - only bone starts to bother you less or even disappear altogether.

To cope with this disease can and using trays with regular table salt. For the preparation of such a bath should take a handful of salt and dissolve it in hot water. Exact proportions in this case can not be observed. Keep your feet in saline should be 15-20 minutes, and to do these procedures are better at bedtime. Salt treatment is usually 2-3 weeks.

Eliminate the bone on the big toe can also be applying a compress to her fresh river fish. You need to bring your desired size piece of fish and primotat it at night with a bandage to the sore spot. It is recommended that this procedure 7 days, and the next week to smear bone fir oil, which can be bought at the pharmacy.

Well to remove bone on the thumb compress of propolis - for it is necessary to take a piece of this substance, some exercise it in his hand, to make it soft, applied to the affected area and secure the bandage. To make such a compress better at night for 2-3 weeks.

Tags: finger bone