How to get a tattoo

How to get a tattoo
 Today it is possible to get a tattoo without pain, the procedure can be carried in the cabin or even in your home. It is important to choose a suitable within the meaning of drawing before the tattoo will inflict on the body. However, there are temporary tattoos that disappear after a few weeks.
 Tattoo - not just a decoration, it is a symbol that has some information. Art of tattooing has been known since ancient times. You can decorate your body as permanent and temporary tattoos. The last category of drawings will be held on the skin is not so long, they perform henna.

In addition to the purpose and the meaning of tattoos has style. Therefore, if you decide to put on a body tattoo, decide with style accessory pictures. This may be a classic style, realistic, high-tech style, trabayl and others. Also tattoos are divided into types - prison, erotic, army, tattoo religious symbols and the like.

Go to question the choice of tattoo theme with all the responsibility, if the pattern is constant, reduce it with the skin will be difficult, and expensive. You can ask the master of the Board, which picture is best suited to you because of age, temperament, appearance, occupation. Often you can hear the opinion that the picture on the body can affect your entire life.

You can bring your sketch tattoo master, if you have a good draw. Or ask a friend of the artist on this service. In the salons where tattooing, traditionally there are specialists who can be entrusted with work on the production of an individual pattern.

Today, tattoos can "stuff" not only in specialized salons, but also at home. And skills specialist who will apply paint, can be absolutely identical in both cases. But that's the price of work will vary.

As a rule, minors who want to make a tattoo, require proof of parental consent for the procedure. However, this practice, unfortunately, is not always accepted.

Before you go to put the tattoo, find advice on interior and concrete specialist. It is also important to master worked with gloves, used disposable needles, containers for paints. One tool that can be used only once, to be processed on standard - in autoclave.

If you have the opportunity to visit a therapist to exclude the presence of contraindications. After all, the paint used to make tattoos can cause allergic reactions. It is worth to remember names, manufacturers of such products to be safe.

You should not drink alcohol if you decide to decorate any part of his body tattooed. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, the same effect has coffee, strong tea, a number of drugs. Also not recommended procedure for colds.

Large area patterns applied in several stages. Remember that not necessarily endure the pain, tattoo can be done with anesthesia. Notify your master.

The master must warn you that a tattoo at first to be carefully looked after. Need special creams that will accelerate healing. A couple of days will not be able to wet the tattoo.

Tags: drawing, tattoo master