Herbs in cosmetology

Herbs in cosmetology
 Nature took care of the person making available numerous plants and herbs, with which you can not only improve their health, but also to become more beautiful. Herbs are used in cosmetology for a long time, but useful creams, lotions and masks can not only buy in the stores, but also to create their own. However, before you begin to indulge themselves similar means, you need to learn the basic rules for the use of medicinal herbs.

Herbs for Beauty are good not only because it is delivered in a variety of bodyvitamins and minerals. Due to their content of volatile production, they most fully absorbed by the body. In the course are the different parts of plants, from flowers and leaves to the roots. Pharmacies herbs presented in a huge range, but it is best to use fresh raw materials, which preserves the maximum amount of nutrients.

Herbs are used in cosmetology widely, but the use of certain plants depends only on the objectives pursued.

For example, the infusion of mint leaves has a calming effect. If you regularly wipe oily skin such a composition, it is possible to obtain a reduction of acne. Soothe inflamed skin decoction of St. John's wort.

Nettle is good for hair care. If you rinse them after washing broth consisting of leaves of this plant, the hair will look smooth and shiny. Has similar properties burdock root, decoction of which strengthens the hair. Also it is used and inwardly.

With the help of herbs can even adjust the color of the hair. It has long been known means for clarifying light brown hue - a rinse decoction of chamomile flowers.

Dandelion juice from leaves is used as a bleaching agent. It helps get rid of age spots and freckles.

For many plants are used in cosmetology. Hoods are added to many cosmetic products. However, herbs require special treatment. They can not be used carelessly, since they may have contraindications. Even on the most useful tool for maintaining beauty can come unexpected reaction. Therefore, use the home cosmetics herb with caution, choosing ingredients that are most appropriate for a particular person.

Tags: beauty, grass, cosmetology