Vitaminiziruem skin: outside or inside

Vitaminiziruem skin: outside or inside
 Human skin is the outer barrier, which protects the body from various physical effects of ultraviolet radiation from natural phenomena. On the skin condition can be learned about the presence of any disease. Therefore it is very important to care for their skin both outside and inside.

If the skin started to peel, appeared acne, pimples all clear signs of vitamin deficiency. Fortifying the skin actually at any time of the year. There are lots of ways to do this. For example, a very good and effectiveness of face masks based on fruits and vegetables. They contain a rich set of vitamins and trace elements. For example, brush face carrot, raspberry or grape juice for 10-20 minutes, rinse and apply a nourishing cream. Get Gorgeous Skin charge vitamins.

Home-cooked mask will surely enrich the skin, but do not forget about the internal saturation of the body with vitamins. Many mistaken in thinking that the vitamins are found exclusively in the tablets. Replenish vitamins can be another way. For example, dry and flaky skin says that the body lacks vitamin A, which means you need in your diet to include foods that contain it. This is primarily the products of animal origin, as well as carrots, onions, cabbage.

The next group of vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10. They are found in cereals, peaches, pears, nuts. Vitamin C is responsible for skin elasticity, is the most important as it participates in the production of collagen. Without it, the skin begins to age rapidly and fade. Therefore it is necessary to consume citrus fruits, kiwi, spinach, parsley.

Vitamin K allows you to deal more effectively with freckles, age spots, helps reduce puffiness. It is contained in a pumpkin, carrots, berries of mountain ash. Vitamin E helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, so you need to add to salads vegetable, sesame, olive oil.

Consuming certain foods that contain vitamins A, B, C, K, E, you can maintain good condition not only your skin, but also the whole organism. This is usually a guarantee of good mood.

Tags: skin care, vitamin, fortifying