Hydrating mask for hands

Hydrating mask for hands
 Unfortunately, many women do not pay enough attention to the hands, but in vain, your skin is adversely affected more than other areas of the body. Laundry detergents and other cleaning products, hot and cold water, work in the garden and house cleaning. All this leaves its mark in the form of flaking, redness and even cracks. To return the hands of attraction, you can treat them nourishing mask.
 For very dry skin mask fit lactic yeast. Its effect is very powerful, just after a single procedure removes skin irritation, and if such a course of procedure, the hands acquire softness, heal cracks and even a little smoothed wrinkles. Dissolve 1 tablespoon yeast in a small amount of milk to make a thick mass. Milk can replace sour cream. Spread the hands of the masses, and wash off after 10 minutes. It is advisable to repeat every 3 days, and after 1-2 months your skin recovers.

When peeling the mask is very useful to do with cheese. This will require 2 tablespoons fermented milk, 1 tablespoon liquid honey and 1 tsp olive oil. Mix into a homogeneous mass and apply on the skin. Time of the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then it is desirable to rub nourishing cream. Spend month course, and you will be surprised how in a positive way to change the skin of your hands, it will become soft and silky.

Hydrating mask can be made on the basis of fruits, such as grapes. To do this, the pulp of berries need to connect with a pre-soaked (not boiled) mass of Hercules. After application to the skin massage your hands, rubbing them against each other in a circular motion for several minutes. Then rinse and moisturize cream.

But the mask of rye bread even help to smooth wrinkles and restore skin youthful hands. The main thing is to comply with regularity - to do the procedure 10 times a day. Slice of bread Pour hot milk, let stand a few minutes, mash to a thick paste. If the mass of the liquid, the press, removing the excess milk. Add a teaspoon of starch and sunflower oil. Whisk the egg yolk and connect with grain gruel. Apply liberally to hands, wear rubber gloves and drop your hands in hot water - it should not be fired. Wait 10 minutes.

To help your hands, you can make a mask from a variety of products, as long as they are fresh. It is desirable to alternate masks, so the effect will be stronger.

Tags: hand, bread, mask, cottage cheese, care