How to get rid of calluses on his feet

How to get rid of calluses on his feet
 Often people have encountered such a problem as uncomfortable or new footwear products, which causes discomfort and is the cause of corns. Sooner or later face the appearance of blisters on your toes and heels, but not everyone knows how to handle them, but to impose a sticking plaster on the sore spot.
 To begin to distinguish between "dry" and "wet" corn. If you see a bubble filled with a liquid transparent color, then before you wet corn; If there is roughened and exfoliated skin piece - a dry corn or thickening of the horny layer of the skin that occurs due to prolonged friction.

Dry corn eliminate as: legs are lowered a few minutes in a warm bath to skin softened, then topped with a layer of the damaged portion of a cream or ointment containing a salicylic acid or benzoic acid. These ointments can be purchased at the pharmacy. After lubricating layer is applied on top of the corn patch. And it is desirable for several days did not wear the shoes that you rubbed her fingers. When the pain subsides, you can polish the skin, such as pumice.
Such corn can be removed and faster, but for a fee by visiting the beauty salon or office.

The second kind of corns is the case a little more complicated and painful and unpleasant. It is necessary, first, the corn wet wound care agents such as hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin. Second, put on her patch. Third, after a certain period of time to apply antiseptics for disinfection. It is desirable as long as possible not to wear uncomfortable shoes and do not go to saunas, baths, swimming pools, not to carry infection.

Corn - a thing that has been around for a long time, so the tools developed by our great-grandmothers to combat it, have their beginning in the early days.
These tools include:
1) The use of such oils, such as vegetable. Wash your feet and put oil on your fingers, and after three or four days you will feel the positive effects.
2) Use of propolis which is superimposed on a corn tortillas with fat.
3) Use a bow or peel. But for this you need to prepare the medicine in advance, as a solution of onion (peeled) and acetic acid infused 14 days. Then the solution is drained, and the bow slightly dried and superimposed on corn, which subsequently tape up. In the morning, the skin is removed.
4) Use of citric crust, which is superimposed on the tape up and wound. This procedure must be repeated for several days. Thereafter, the peel is removed.
5) Overlaying poultice of bread crumbs soaked in vinegar. It is particularly effective in the treatment of fresh corn.

If you do not want to have any more problems with calluses, use convenient and suitable size shoes. It is better if the shoes and boots are made of natural materials. In cold weather, do not forget to use a nourishing cream for the feet.

Tags: skin, foot, layer, cause the appearance, thickening