How to bring in a sense of tired legs?

How to bring in a sense of tired legs?
 Unfortunately, at the present time leg fatigue becomes an unpleasant condition that is familiar to an increasing number of women, and residents of big cities are more susceptible to this phenomenon. That is why the fight against leg fatigue becomes an urgent problem to be solved by means of abandoned traditional medicine and long-known traditional methods.
 The main cause of gravity becomes a violation of venous circulation, in which there is stagnation of blood in the veins of the lower extremities - first at the surface, and then in the deep, which leads to blood circulation in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue of the legs. This is the cause of unpleasant sensations and perceptions of heaviness in the legs.

First of all, in an attempt to relieve fatigue feet at the end of a hard day, you should remember to change the type of activity. If the work is connected with permanent residency in the sitting position, which causes the development of stagnation of blood in the legs, it should be every hour of such work, if possible, get up, walk for a while and perform complex light physical exercises designed to activate blood circulation in the lower extremities.

If the work is, on the contrary, is performed on the feet, you should think over the choice of comfortable shoes and recreational opportunities, in which the legs for a while are raised in a lying or sitting position. In this case, high-heeled shoes will only provoke speedy fatigue. Therefore, the best for the job is a low heel shoes that fit better than shoes or boots on a flat sole.

Evening to relieve fatigue can recommend to use contrasting foot bath, bath with decoction of herbs that have venotoniziruyuschee action - this horse chestnut broth, broth lavender. Kneipp may include douches and, wherein legs alternately poured in cold water and warm water with a temperature of 37-38 ° C, and the procedure should be terminated by pouring the cold.

Will be useful and engaging in swimming, and therapeutic exercise, at which the increased blood flow in the legs.

With heaviness in the legs, which is repeated quite a long time, it is necessary to consult the surgeon phlebologist. After examination, the doctor will help you choose a compression garment, and the type of laundry and the degree of compression will depend on the condition of the vessels of the individual patient. Appointment of special drugs to improve tissue blood flow, as the prerogative of the doctor. Therefore, even ointments and creams from "heavy legs" should be appointed after consultation with physician.

Tags: leg, lingerie, fatigue, feeling heaviness, leg