Especially sensitive skin

Especially sensitive skin
 Leather - the strongest and most complex human body, a condition which instantly displays all the processes occurring in the body. The share of owners of sensitive skin fall further problems. Predict its response to any external stimuli, including cosmetics, is absolutely impossible.
 Sensitive skin type can be either congenital or acquired. In the second case, the higher sensitivity results in the wrong cosmetic care and stress. Under attack often gets dry skin. She is very gentle and constant exposure to strong external stimuli can lose an independent ability to resist them.

A distinctive feature of sensitive skin is a rapid response to the wrong cosmetic. Sometimes mistaken for a similar reaction allergic rashes, but this assumption is wrong. Allergy is manifested only 3-5 hours after applying the cream or lotion, sensitive skin is instantly covered with spots or a rash, itching.

The main characteristics of sensitive skin are feeling of tightness, irritability, frequent flushing, rapid burning in the sun, itching and flaking under ultraviolet light and dry air. As a rule, irritation affects the T-zone, the skin around the eyes, neck and décolleté.

Skin sensitization may occur both in physiological and psychological reasons. The former include genetic heredity, hormones and susceptibility to allergies. To the second - the constant nervousness and fatigue, inability to resist the daily stress.

Care for sensitive skin is very difficult. First of all, be fitted to the right cosmetics. Creams, foams and gels for washing, tonics and lotions should not contain active allergens. It is best to use a line of tools specifically designed for sensitive skin. They contain soothing light oils and additives: panthenol, calendula, chamomile and others. Good use liquid creams with the addition of allantoin. This material was virtually no side effects, gives smoothness and protects against sunburn.

Tags: sensitivity, features, aspects, leather