Masks from natural ingredients help fight freckles, pigmentation, stagnant spots after acne.
Has long enjoyed great popularity means on the basis of fresh cucumber. They carefully bleached, heals, tone, cleanse and moisturize the skin. Cucumber rubbed on a fine grater, add a little fresh parsley mashed and applied for 30 minutes on the face. Then wash off with warm water and apply the cream.
Owners of dry skin can mix grated cucumber with a tablespoon of nourishing cream. For oily skin cucumber pulp is mixed with vodka at a ratio of 1: 1 mixture and insist during the day. This mask is applied for 15-20 minutes.
Good whitening effect have also masks from cottage cheese and other dairy products. Take two tablespoons of cottage cheese, pound with protein and add five drops of hydrogen peroxide, if you wish, you can put a little honey. The mixture was applied for 15 minutes, then washed with warm water. If you have dry skin mix three parts of fat cottage cheese with one part honey.
In the struggle for beauty and is an effective means of sour milk: a quarter cup add a tablespoon of oatmeal.
A useful feature is the mask of yogurt and pulp from the leaves of cabbage. The components were mixed in equal proportions and applied on the face for 10 minutes.
Well proven mask with lemon juice. Morning useful to impose on the person a mixture of 50 grams of honey and five drops of lemon juice. Fifteen minutes later, the composition is washed off, apply a nourishing cream. You can also grease the face with a fat cream, and then apply it thin slices of lemon. Remove mask after 10 minutes, wash with cool water. But for people who are allergic to citrus fruits, should be treated in such masks with caution.
In order to achieve visible results you need to spend at least 15-20 procedures. Apply whitening mask is best at bedtime, because after them is not recommended sunlight. To save the effect that the skin should be protected from ultraviolet abundant. In combination with whitening mask is desirable to use photoprotective creams. If pigmentation appeared again, and you suspect that it may be caused by a disease, you should consult with your doctor.