Bath for velvety skin

Bath for velvety skin
 Steam treatments are useful for the entire body, but the effect of regular visits to the pair noticeable, especially on the skin - pores clean, healthy color, nice elasticity and velvety fabrics. In the bath you need to follow the sequence of procedures.  
 Before you go to the steam room, thoroughly clean skin - take a warm shower without soap and cleansing gel to preserve the natural fat grease skin. Rinse off all makeup from the face, and at the end of the procedure turn on the cold water. This contrast vessels trains and prepares them to expand. Face and body must be clean, as the remnants of cosmetics violate sweating and ventilation during the procedure. On the lips, apply a layer of chapstick, as under the influence of dry air, they can crack. Put on a head cap - so you protect yourself from overheating.

Apply on the skin scrub home - a mixture of fine table or sea salt and honey. Lightly rub the skin while you are in the steam room, a little lie down - stay in the steam room limit 6-7 minutes. Outside the room, wash under a warm shower scrub, wipe the body and face with a towel, drink a cup of herbal tea and start to cosmetic procedures.

Cools the skin should soften - the easiest way to make oil mask. Prepare any vegetable oil, apply it on the skin in a circular motion. If the facial skin is dry and flaky, the grease composition of the same person. Mashed boiled potatoes with sour cream or cream put on the skin under the eyes and around the mouth - soft tissue in need of supplementary feeding. On the upper eyelids put compresses of chamomile or green tea.

After the last visit to the steam room, clean the skin with water, then pat dry a little, put on the skin of eyelids and face nourishing cream light texture or gel. Body moisturize cosmetic milk or lanolin composition.

If you do not have the opportunity to attend a bath regularly, start a pair procedures for the face of the house. Prepare a bowl of boiling water, add to it a little bit of dried herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, sage) and breathe in the vapors, cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, wash, cut the face scrub, apply a nourishing mask first, and then wipe the skin tonic and tightens pores composition. Steam treatments improve skin tone, purify it, return the youth, health and beauty.

Tags: skin care