How to display a tattoo

How to display a tattoo
 When the first tattoo - it is difficult to say, but the venerable age of this art, about 6000 years. Drawings adorned the body designated belonging to any group, clan, had magical significance, showing the rank of the individual in society. Tattooing, tools and dyes changed, image quality has grown, but the results of tattoo removal, aesthetically far behind until recently.
 To date, there are several ways removal of tattoos. There are unprofessional, actually barbaric methods of getting rid of underwear painting in which people use burning acids, potassium permanganate et al., With terrible consequences in the form of long non-healing wounds and as a result - an ugly scar. More enlightened people will take advantage of application over the old pictures tattoo skin color in the corresponding cabin, use the services of other cosmetologists.

Recent laser tattoo removal offer without breaking the top layer of skin, this procedure gives excellent results, but it is quite expensive for the client. Mechanical and laser dermabrasion - cheaper ways, but after they are different in color and form scars. In any case it is better to consult with experienced professionals, and the operation itself to professionals.

At first, they will offer you prepare (considering dermabrasion) psychologically, as well as to stop taking certain medications drugs, such as contraceptives and for the treatment of acne, whose presence in the body adversely affects the output of dyes from the skin. The mood also need not to interfere with specialists during surgery, the most cold-blooded move physical discomfort, burning smell, the sight of blood. All this is not fatal, but will be present, because in most cases used only local anesthesia, and to get to the dye, you will erase special metal brushes or cutters top layer of skin about 1 mm thick.

Heals the wound, the body displays the ink particles via the lymph, here at this point and might interfere with the medicines mentioned above, because they interfere with the removal of liquid. Recovery of the epithelium, with careful observance of all recommendations occurs within one to two weeks, at which time you should use antiseptics, antibacterial creams. Up to six months should not be subjected to post-operative area exposed to sunlight.

Tattoo removal results are never exactly the same, the reasons for this are many, including myself way, your age, skin type. Old tattoo that were made personally or friend at home antiquated method usually applied more deeply than it is today. Individual susceptibility to keloid tissue injured integument also plays a big role.

In general, before making a "lifetime" tattoo, think carefully as to whether you need it. In an extreme case, to understand its relevance to your body and avoid the consequences of surgical intervention, may be applied in the cabin of time for a year or two image. During this time, and decide whether or not to perpetuate it.

Tags: result, color tattoo method, deletion, deducing